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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

Page 53

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He's a criminal all the same.

“He’s also breeching a protection order,” I tell the officer who begins to drag Joel away.

The officer nods. “We’ll be in touch.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Joel bellows, glaring at me. “You’ll pay for this, Juniper. You’ll pay.”

I lift my hand with a smile and wave at him. “Toodaloo, motherfucker.”

His eyes get big.

His face gets red.

And my smile says it all.

I’m free.



“That was epic,” Chev cries, handing me another shot. “His face was the best thing I’ve seen all year.”

“God, I thought he was going to pee his pants when they were taking him away.” Faye giggles. “Best moment of my life.”

I laugh. “You have no idea how satisfying that was. I was terrified something would go wrong but all along they had it mapped out.”

“Those bikers are something else. I don’t even want to know how they managed to pull that off.”

I nod. “The ranchers, too. It makes you wonder what kind of people they associate with if that’s something they can just do without thought.”

All the girls nod.

“At least you’re safe now.” Faye smiles, squeezing my arm. “That must feel pretty good.”

She has no idea.

No idea.

“I’m also glad I can finally enjoy the rest of the retreat.” I laugh. “I didn’t come all the way here to miss out.”

“Does that mean we can go back to running amok?” Chev grins. “Because those ranchers didn’t think they’d tamed us down, did they?”

I grin wickedly. “Oh, they have no idea.”

Alice giggles. “For now, let’s talk about those bikers ...”

“You and the bikers.” Faye rolls her eyes. “Girl, you need to get laid.”

Alice nods, enthusiastically while staring at the gorgeous group of men.

“If only,” she sighs.

I look over at them, too. “They are fine. There is something about that bad boy edge that’s appealing, I must admit.”

“Girl, you’ve got a fine man to ride anytime you want,” Chev says, shoving me lightly. “Leave the candy to us.”

I chuckle and stand. “Speaking of, I’m going to find that man and thank him for saving my ass.”

“Maybe thank him with your ass,” Alice says, wiggling her brows.

I giggle and walk away, finding Enzo at the bar talking to Riggs. His eyes close in on me as soon as I stop, and I smile. “I was wondering where you had gotten to.”

“Just here thankin’ Riggs for savin’ your ass.”

I look to Riggs. Gosh, why is he so damned fine?

I smile. “Thanks for saving my ass.”

He winks at me. “No problem, darlin’. It’s what I do.”

I flush.

“Let’s take a walk,” Enzo says, and I give Riggs another smile before letting Enzo lead me out back.

It’s quiet out here now. After the drama died down, everyone just kind of went their own way and moved on for the night. Now, the parking lot is empty, and the night is nearing its end. I look to Enzo, who stares down at me, his eyes glassy from alcohol, his expression hungry.

“Saw how you were lookin’ at those bikers,” he murmurs, tracing a finger between my cleavage.

“And?” I challenge, feeling a little tipsy myself.

“Didn’t like it,” he growls. “What you have here, it’s mine.”

“Is it now?” I purr, stepping closer. “Funny, because I thought we were just having fun.”

“You and I both know we’re doin’ a lot more than having fun. You think I’d risk it all for a bit of fun?”

I bite my bottom lip.

Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

That he and I ... could be something.

What does that mean for us?

My drunk ass is getting ahead of myself.

“Well, in that case, I guess I will stop looking at those gorgeous bikers.”

He slaps my ass with a hard thwack. I cry out and lurch forward, body slamming into his. He grips my backside, fingers digging into my flesh as he pulls me hard against him. “Be very fuckin’ careful what you say next, I can be a jealous man.”’

I look up at him. “I think those bikers were –”

He squeezes my ass in warning.

“So fucking –”

He growls as he pulls me closer, leaning down until our lips are nearly touching.


I barely finish my sentence and he’s on me, spinning me around until my back hits the wall. He jerks my leg up around his hip and his mouth slams down over mine. Our kiss is hungry as our lips mold together, so perfectly it should be illegal. I moan as I rip at his jeans, needing him inside me. He responds with a force that has me feeling wild and crazy. I tug at his hair. He squeezes my ass.

My dress goes up.

My panties go to the side.

Then he’s inside me.

Hard and deep.

Hot and heavy.

He fucks me there against the wall, so hard I can feel my skin tearing as the bricks dig into my flesh, but oh, I don’t care. I don’t care even a little. I cry out as pleasure builds inside of me. His teeth find my neck. and he bites down hard, so hard I know it’ll leave a mark. I scream, pleasure exploding inside of me as the most incredible orgasm takes over my body.

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