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Bound to Shadows (Riley Jenson Guardian 8)

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"Why not?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you always this up front?"

"I think so. And if people refuse to answer, I find out other ways. "

He grunted. "Why does that not surprise me?"

I restrained my grin. "Look, you're obviously a damn good cop with amazing instincts, and Mike said you had a stellar career in Sydney. So why come back here?"

He considered me for a moment, then said, "Two reasons. The first being the fact that my soul mate - who was also a cop - was killed in the line of duty. "

And coming here was one hell of a good way to get away from every reminder of her. Part of me understood that, but at the same time, I didn't. Running from a situation never solved anything.

I didn't offer Harris the usual lines of sympathy, nor did I tell him that I was in the same position. His expression suggested neither comment would be welcome. And that I could totally understand. There was nothing - certainly no words - that could ever ease such a pain. It had to come from inside. From the desire to move on.

Do you want to move on? that voice whispered. Are you ready?

Yes. But again, the vision of the black car rolling over and over hit. But only if there's something - someone - to move on with.

I swallowed heavily and said, "And the second?"

"My mom was dying and had no one to look after her. "

"What about your dad?"

"He died several years before. Heart attack. "

Which was damn unusual for a wolf. He couldn't have been very fit.

He made a sharp sweeping movement with his hand. "Did you find anything else here?"

Meaning, obviously, that that line of questioning was over. "No. "

"And I'm gathering you've left no fingerprints behind?" He didn't wait for my answer, simply added, "We've been ordered to preserve the scene, not investigate. The murder boys are due in tomorrow. "

If his expression was anything to go by, he was hoping Landsbury's partner would make his appearance sooner rather than later. Which meant he'd been watching the house, even if I hadn't seen him.

"They're going to be less than happy about the print dust everywhere. "

And it was odd that Homicide was taking over. Usually they worked with the local detectives, not above them. But maybe it was simply a case of the local boys being seen as not having the expertise - despite Harris's time in Sydney.

"That happened before we were ordered away. " He shrugged, but there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Harris wasn't about to give up his case for anyone, and that was something I could totally understand. And respect.

"What about the coroner's report? Was there anything interesting in the toxicology report?"

"Yeah. A drug known as DH208. Apparently it's a military-only drug that's designed to almost instantly freeze the central nervous system of humans and nonhumans alike. " His gaze met mine again. "You were right. "

"Which doesn't mean I applied the stuff. "

He smiled. "I wasn't actually thinking that. "

"So you no longer think I murdered him?"

"I never did. But it's a cop's job to be suspicious of everyone and everything. Especially when coincidences keep pointing a particular way. "

"Which just goes to prove you can't trust coincidences. "

"I don't. But here you are, the biggest of them all. " He tilted his head a little, studying me through slightly narrowed eyes. "Why is that, do you think?"

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