Broken by Sin: A Dark Mafia Romance - Page 14

“You’re really considering this?”

“I’m really considering it. You said we have three days?”

“That’s right. And my father has to approve of you.”

“He’ll approve.”

“How can you be so sure?”

His fingers tighten on my leg. “He will. In the meantime, why don’t we get to know each other? Invite me to Villa Bruno.”


“I can’t tomorrow or the day after. I have a job to take care of.” His face clouds slightly, but the grin’s back almost immediately. “Day after. It’s cutting it close on the deadline, but we’ll manage.”

“Are you sure? I mean, marriage is a big deal and we don’t know each other.”

“I know plenty about you.” He leans forward and brushes a stray hair behind my ear. Coming from anyone else, it would seem awkward and compulsive, but he manages to make it seem normal. My cheeks must be bright red and I feel so mortified and humiliated—

But a deep, deep relief throbs in my core.

“I’ll get Gavino to invite you over. Papa would never let me have you on my own.”

“You’ll have plenty of time to have me once we say our vows.”

I shudder slightly at the implication, but his smile doesn’t budge.

“Are you sure? I just dumped all this on your lap. You can think about it.”

“If I do and decide to say no, you’re screwed, aren’t you?”

“That’s true.”

“Then consider it a yes already. I’ll come over in a couple nights, we’ll spend some quality time together, and in the morning you’ll tell your father. Does that work?”

I nod and can’t believe my luck. It’s like I chose the one man in the whole Famiglia willing to decide on the fly like this without any opportunity to consider what it might mean for him.

It helps that Rinaldo’s face is handsome and his words are like honey in my ears.

“That works.”

He pats my thigh and stands. “Then I’d better get inside before the boys grow suspicious or your brother comes to strangle me. Does he know about this proposal?”

“Not yet, but I’ll tell Gavino tonight. I doubt he’ll keep it to himself for long.”

“Good.” Rinaldo nods to himself. “I want their approval as well. If I’m going to marry you, I’ll do it right.” He reaches down, picks up my hand, and brings it to his mouth. He gently kisses my fingertips—and that tiny voice in the back of my head screams with revulsion.

“I’ll see you soon then, future wife,” he says, releases my hand, and walks away.

I watch him go, trembling.

I don’t know why I’m shaking. Excitement? Nerves? That went so much better than I ever could’ve dreamed. He understands my situation and knows how a marriage between us can be extremely beneficial to him. He was kind, attractive, and respectful.

Why wouldn’t I be excited?

Nico’s words ring in my ears like a gong. Some of those men are dangerous, princess.

I can’t shake the bitter feeling that creeps down my spine. Nico managed to infect me somehow with his negativity—which is exactly what he wants to do.

Damn him and damn my luck. I have three days to make this work and Rinaldo seems willing to go along with my plan.

I’m not turning back just because of some stupid comment Nico made.

This is my only shot at freedom.

Chapter 6


Rinaldo strips off his shirt and stretches beside the pool before jumping in. He dives and barely makes a splash before surfacing at the far side. Water drips off his handsome face and lips and he smiles at me as the sun sets and pink hues drip across the sky.

“Coming in, Karah?” he calls out.

“In a minute,” I say and Rinaldo shrugs as he paddles through the little waterfalls.

“I am truly fucking shocked that you managed to wrangle him,” Gavino says from his chair next to mine. “Seriously, Kar. This is insane by any measure.”

“More insane than marrying a Russian stranger? At least this way I can stay in Phoenix with my family.” I glare at Gavino. What the hell does he know about this? He doesn’t know a thing and he shouldn’t give me a lecture about it.

“Fair point, but still. Do you actually know anything about Rinaldo?”

“Do you?”

“Not a whole lot. People seem to like him. He’s a good earner and Papa thinks he’ll be important one day. Is that enough to base a marriage?”

“It’ll have to be.”

The lights turn on around the pool as darkness sets, creating a dull orange glow across the stones and the patio.

The back door to the house opens and two more figures step down to join us—Casso followed by Nico.

I curse under my breath. I knew Casso would be here—ever since he found out about my deal with Papa, he’s been up my ass about what I was going to do—but nobody said Nico was invited. I shouldn’t be surprised, since wherever Casso goes, Nico’s not far behind.

Tags: B.B. Hamel Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025