Broken by Sin: A Dark Mafia Romance - Page 17

My heart races and my nipples stiffen at his presence. My body reacts to his mere look in a way that it never did when Rinaldo got close to me. I don’t understand it and I wish I could make it stop because Nico’s the last man I want to feel anything for at all.

“He’s going to destroy you, princess. You think he’s charming and pleasant, but Rinaldo’s a psychopath. He’s a monster without a conscience, and he’ll tear you to pieces. I’m trying to save your worthless ass right now and all you do is fight me.”

“That’s because all you’ve done until now is make me feel like shit.”

“You’ve never deserved better.”

“There it is again. You think you know so fucking much.”

He doesn’t lay a finger on me, and yet it’s like he’s caressing me all over. I hate him and want to bite off his lower lip, but I also want him to fist my hair and latch his lips to my neck. It’s frustrating, infuriating, and exhilarating all at once.

“I know that if you go through with this, you’ll regret it.”

“Then understand that I have no other choice. You don’t get it, do you? My entire life is controlled and prescribed by my family. This is my only chance to influence the course of my own existence, and if I don’t marry Rinaldo then I’ll get tossed aside and sent away. I’m not letting Papa do that. So please, go away, Nico. I’m doing this.”

He stares for another several beats of my rapid heart and I’m afraid he’ll actually do it—I’m terrified he’s about to grab me by the hair and palm my breasts and kiss me and bite me and make me scream.

The sick part is, I want him to do it. Damn the consequences. To hell with my family and Rinaldo.

I want Nico to ruin me with one sweaty night of delicious sin.

Instead, he steps back with an audible grunt of effort, turns away, and disappears down the back hall.

I sigh and my body deflates. My skin prickles like I was in fight-or-flight mode, and adrenaline pumps along my veins.

Maybe he’s right. This could be a mistake. I don’t know Rinaldo at all, and Casso did say that Nico’s worked with him before.

But we had such a good time. Rinaldo was kind and curious and spent most of the night drawing me out. I’ve met lots of mafia guys, but few of them are like that.

My reaction to Nico’s nearness bothers me. It’s like a splinter in my throat and I can’t clear it out no matter how hard I try. It’s confusing and sickening, and I hate myself for wanting anything from a bastard like Nico.

He’s everything I despise about my family.

Nico can say what he wants, but tomorrow I’m going to Papa and telling him that I choose Rinaldo.

I won’t get tossed along on the sea like a boat cast adrift. I’m going to take some control back—even if it’s only in this one choice.

I’m marrying Rinaldo.

Chapter 7


I toss and turn that night. I barely get any sleep, and when I do I’m plagued by dreams of Nico and Rinaldo and my brothers all laughing at me. I wake up breathless and ashamed and covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

I stumble downstairs to find Fynn sitting at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee. My second-oldest brother has long black hair tied back in a knot, a dark scraggly beard, and soft green eyes. He so much like our mother, but without Mama’s gentleness.

He smiles as I sit across from him. “You look tired. Gavino told me about Rinaldo and the deal you made.”

“Yeah? You gonna scold me too? Casso thinks I should just roll over and do what Papa wants.”

“Casso’s got his reasons for that.” Fynn only shrugs and turns the page of his paper. “I personally would love it if you didn’t end up sweating over in Dallas. I hear Texas sucks.”

I grin at him. He has no clue how good it feels to hear at least one person in my family express some interest in me sticking around.

“Well, I think you’re in luck, because I’m going to tell Papa that I want to marry Rinaldo today.”

Fynn nods to himself. “I figured you would. It makes sense. Local guy, good looking, moving up in the ranks. He’s a decent pick, all things considered.”

“Will Papa accept it though?”

“Who knows what Papa thinks.” Fynn puts down his paper and frowns at me. “Though I did see Rinaldo at Apron Twelve last night. He seemed to be celebrating based on the amount of whiskey he was drinking.”

I pull at my hair. “He’s not bragging about this marriage thing, is he?”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t get close enough to hear, anyway. But you might want to make sure he’s not dead before you tell Papa.”

Tags: B.B. Hamel Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025