Broken by Sin: A Dark Mafia Romance - Page 49

But my anger doesn’t fade.

“I thought we had an agreement.”

“No, Nico. You had an agreement. In your head, we’re playing a game, but this isn’t a game to me. I’m desperate, don’t you get it? Papa can send me to Dallas at any moment and you’re not stepping up to help. All you’re doing is—” She turns pink and looks away.

“All I’m doing is what?”

“Teasing me. Fucking with me.”

“You think that’s it?”

“Yeah, I do. I think you like getting me off. It’s like a power thing for you.”

I take two deep breaths. I’m about to argue when the door opens and one of the waitresses appears. She stares at me in surprise and I glare at her.

“Out,” I order.

The waitress turns on her heel and disappears.

I look back to Karah.

“You’re right, I do like getting you off, but it’s not a game. You’re asking a lot with this marriage thing and I don’t think you truly understand how hard this is, but I’m fucking trying, okay?”

“You’re trying.” Her expression falls as she looks back at me. She shakes her head. “Try harder then, Nico. If you won’t marry me then I’m going to start looking for alternatives.”

I hate that she’s right.

I hate it so much I could smash the mirror and let the glass tear into my flesh.

I gave her this idea. I told her to look for someone else.

But I didn’t think she’d actually do it.

Now I know how she felt when she saw Elise sitting in my lap.

And just like her, I have no right to be jealous.

I don’t own her. Not yet, at least.

She shakes her head and her anger dissipates. She only looks disappointed as she steps toward me.

“Yeah, Nico, that’s what I thought. Can you please step aside? Fynn’s going to worry soon.”

I want to lift her up, squeeze her ass, and slam her down onto the sink. I want to fuck her here and now. I want to show her how I feel.

But I’m not even sure if that’s real.

I’m too mixed up. I’m too angry and fueled by hate and lust and confusion right now to parse the complicated sparks of desire that roll down my skin whenever she’s around.

She’s right to look for someone else.

I step aside and let her pass.

She shoves the door open and I catch a whiff of her perfume—vanilla and honey.

The door shuts. I give her a second before I step into the hall. The waitress is still there and she glares at me but says nothing as she hurries into the bathroom.

I stare down the hall after Karah.

I want to follow. I want to sit at the bar and glare at her all night long.

But instead, I turn away and leave through the back.

Fynn takes Karah home a half hour later. They get into his car and roll away, and once they disappear from sight, I step out of my Rover and walk slowly toward the restaurant. I linger in the shadows next to the front door and stay still and patient. I keep replaying that conversation with Karah in my head, over and over. I keep tasting her orgasm from the night before. I keep hearing her moans in my ears.

What am I doing? Why am I pushing so hard when all I really want is to leave this alone and walk away?

Alfonse and his friends, Freddy and Riccardo, come out ten minutes later stinking of booze and laughing. I let them walk past me into the gloom before I push off the wall and call out.

“Boys,” I say, strolling toward them.

Alfonse turns and grins. “Hey, Nico. What are you doing out here?”

I walk up to him, cock my fist back, and punch him so hard I feel his nose break as his head snaps back and he slams to the ground. Blood pours from his mouth and his nostrils and he groans as he rolls onto his hands and knees.

I hate sucker punching a guy like that but sometimes violence is necessary to send a message.

“What the fuck was that for?” Riccardo says, eyes bulging in shock and anger.

“Fuck off, Riccardo. You too.” I gesture at Freddy. “This doesn’t concern either of you. Fuck off and go home.”

They exchange a look. They’re probably wondering if they should defend their friend, but they know me. They know what’ll happen.

“Sure, Nico, sure,” Riccardo says, nodding and backing away. “Whatever you say.” They turn and hurry to their car, leaving Alfonse behind.

Smart boys. Disloyal and cowardly, but smart.

I step up and Alfonse rolls over and sits on his ass. He stares at me dazed and only half there. I lean over him and show my teeth.

“Can you hear me? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

He nods a few times. “Yeah, man, I hear you.”

“Stay the fuck away from Karah Bruno.”

Tags: B.B. Hamel Dark
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025