Taken by a Sinner (Sinners 1) - Page 12

Yeah right.

I need to figure out a way to beat Nikolas at his own game before he destroys my entire life.

Chapter 6


Forcing Tess to bend to my will shouldn’t fill my veins with a need to break her until I have her on her knees and eating out of my hand. But fuck, it does.

Every tremble. Every fearful glance. It’s like a drug, making the addiction I wasn’t aware I had grow.

Besides the age gap and the minor fact that we’re stepsiblings, Tess is actually a wet dream. Her silky hair has me wondering how it would feel in my fist while I use it as a leash to control her.

Then there’s the constant fear trembling in her innocent eyes that burns a hot path straight to my cock.


The earlier altercation wasn’t planned, but damn if I didn’t get hard from having her body pressed against mine, feeling every soft curve. The attraction was sudden and totally caught me off guard.

It’s still fucking simmering in my veins.

I’ve watched her the entire afternoon, still trying to figure her out. Talking with other people, she had a polite smile plastered to her face, but the damn thing disappeared faster than mist before the sun whenever she looked at me. It’s then I realized she’s never smiled at me. Right from the beginning, she’s had her claws out.

I’ll have to dull them before she tries to scratch out my eyes.

Amusement trickles through my veins. Tess is the first person to blatantly disrespect me, and for some unknown reason, I want her to keep fighting. I don’t want her to fold like the many before her.

I want to see just what this girl is made of.

Plate after plate has left the table untouched by Tess. She’s only had the whiskey and a sip of champagne. The last thing I need is her drunk at our parents' wedding, and it has me reaching for a bottle of water. Tess startles, her whole body flinching.

I pour her a glass of water and nudge it closer to her. “Drink.”

“I’m not thirsty,” she stubbornly declines.

“It’s an order.”

She lets out a huff of air but obeys. I watch as her throat works the liquid down, and a weird satisfaction rushes through me.

The sensation, along with Tess’ wet lips, stirs something primal deep in my chest.

I want this girl on her knees.

Begging for my…

Rising from the chair, I shun the thoughts as fast as they came. I leave the table and the girl that’s becoming an enigma I care too much to solve.

Reaching my father and Helena, I smile politely. “Can I steal Helena for a dance?”

A pleased expression settles on Dad’s face, and he hands his bride over to me. The music selection for today is classical and relaxed.

“Enjoying your day?” I ask as I slowly steer Helena over the floor.

“Yes. Thank you.” Even though she always smiles at me, I pick up on the tension around the corners of her mouth. She tries to pretend it doesn’t bother her that I’m the head of the mafia, but it does.

“About Theresa,” I get right to the point. “I assume you’ve been handling her expenses.”

“Yes.” There’s a hesitant tone to her voice.

“I’ll take over from today,” I state.

Helena’s manicured eyebrow darts up. “Oh… It’s not a lot. I don’t mind handling it.”

My gaze settles on Helena’s, and I stare for a moment to drive my words across. “It wasn’t a question.”

An apprehensive expression flutters over her features. “Of course. I’ll email everything to you before we leave for our honeymoon.”

A smile curves my lips. “Good.”

As the song comes to an end, I lead Helena back to the bridal table and seat her next to my father. Stopping next to Tess, I hold my hand out to her, a daring look plastered over my face. “Dance with me.”

Tess looks up at me, defiance and fear warring in her eyes, but then she gives in and places her slender hand in mine. As my fingers wrap around hers, and I tug her up from the chair, I become aware of how small her hand feels in mine.

With her soft palm pressed firmly against mine, I lead her to the dance floor before pulling her into my arms. Tess does her damndest to keep a modest space between our bodies before I press hard against her lower back, forcing her right against me. Her eyes snap up to mine, a new fear bleeding into her irises.

“Don’t you dare make a fucking scene,” I warn her.

“This is inappropriate,” she grinds out between clenched teeth.

Fuck my life if I don’t want to do more inappropriate things to her.

“You think I care?” I chuckle. “The sooner you realize I now fucking own you, just like I own every square inch of Vancouver and every person here, the better.”

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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