Taken by a Sinner (Sinners 1) - Page 34

What does it mean? I’m not stupid enough to think he cares about me. It’s just physical attraction. Right?

After ordering a coffee, I take a seat at one of the empty tables in the corner. I keep replaying the hot sex over and over in my mind. I can still feel him thrusting inside me. I can still hear his low growls, his breaths.

Damn, my buttcheek’s still sensitive from all the spanking.

Just the thoughts are enough to make me squirm in my chair.

Shit. You can’t get turned on in public. Get a hold of yourself.

Setting the physical aspect aside, I turn my attention to my jumbled emotions.

I don’t like him. Nope, not one bit.


I love how powerful he is. I love how he never backs down but takes what he wants.

I love how much he wants me.

It makes me feel special… like I’m one of a kind. Like I’m not overweight but desirable.

Before the emotions can take root, I shove them down, finish the beverage and leave Starbucks.

With the two new guards in front of me, and James and Grant behind me, I head back to my apartment, so I can get in some work before it’s time to head over to the Stathoulis’ house for lunch.

Honestly, I’m not looking forward to lunch. It’s one thing giving into your desires in the dark of night, but facing Nikolas in the light of day is a whole different story.

Shame threatens to trickle into my chest while I try to focus on my work. It’s useless, though. I can’t concentrate on anything but Nikolas and what happened between us.

With lunchtime approaching fast, I get ready, putting on a light summer dress and sandals. With my hair a mess because I didn’t blow dry it last night, I tie it back in a ponytail.

The entire ride to the Stathoulis’ mansion is spent playing out various scenarios in my head. Hopefully, we’ll get to talk about this thing between us and put it to rest.

I’m let into the house by a guard and head in the direction of the dining room, where I hear Athina chuckling.

“Theresa,” Nikolas’ voice brings me to a stop. I glance over my shoulder to where he’s standing by the study. “Come here.”

I change direction, figuring it’s best we get the talk out of the way. When I step into the study and see Christos, Nikolas and Athina’s cousin, sitting in one of the chairs, a frown forms on my forehead.

Okay, so we’re not talking about what happened.

“Sit,” Nikolas instructs while he shuts the door.

I give Christos a pleasant smile, sitting down in the other chair.

Once Nikolas takes his seat across from us, his eyes move slowly from Christos to me.

Apprehension slithers into my veins like a poisonous snake.

Nikolas locks eyes with me. There’s zero emotion on his face, his features cut from stone. “Christos has agreed to marry you.”

My entire world comes to a shuddering stop.

“He has to leave for Greece soon, seeing as his business is almost completed in Vancouver. The wedding will take place next Saturday.”


I begin to rise from the chair, but my legs are too numb, and I slump back.

No, this isn’t happening.

I shake my head, my dry lips parting. My eyes dart from Nikolas to Christos, who gives me an encouraging smile, then back to Nikolas’ harsh features. Finally, I manage to whisper, “What?”

“You’ll marry Christos in a week, Theresa.” It’s an order.

With my mind stunned, I struggle to think straight. “My studies…” I begin lamely.

That’s the least of your problems right now!

“No,” I gasp, this time darting to my feet and taking three steps away from the men. “No!”

Nikolas gets up and slams his fists on the desk, anger detonating from him and sucking the air out of the office. “You will obey. The deal’s been made, and you’ll honor it.”

Shaking my head wildly, there’s a claustrophobic hold on my chest, making it hard to breathe. Not able to process the disastrous turn my life just took, I spin around and rush out of the study.

“Theresa!” Nikolas roars behind me.

I break out into a run and escape the house. I almost make it to the SUV before he grabs hold of my arm. I’m spun around and shoved back against the SUV. Nikolas towers over me like a thunderous cloud about to rain hellfire down on me.

“No,” I gasp, angry and hopeless tears pushing up my throat. I rip my one arm free and slap him across the face. My palm stings as I spit out, “You’re such an asshole! There’s no way I’m marrying that man.”

Nikolas grips hold of my chin, and we find ourselves back in the familiar position where hate and rage are the only emotions whirling between us.

“You will do as you’re told.”

I try to shake my head, and even though anger pulses through me, desperation makes me plead, “Don’t do this to me. Please.”

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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