Taken by a Sinner (Sinners 1) - Page 48

My gaze drifts over my new wife. Fuck, not even a trash bag will hide her beauty. At least she’s covered.

“The outfit will do,” I mutter. Before she can dart back into the restroom, I order, “Come here.”

Tess lets out a sigh but obeys and comes to stand in front of me. With a crooked finger, I gesture for her to lean down. This time she rolls her eyes while she does as I say. When she’s in reaching distance, I wrap my fingers behind her neck and tug her closer so I can kiss her. I keep it decent.

When I pull back and get one hell of a view of her cleavage from the silk blouse dipping too low, I growl, “Hell no to the top.”

Tess narrows her eyes at me as she straightens up. “Don’t you have work to do?”

“It’s Sunday,” I remind her. “By the way, what do you want to eat for lunch?”

She thinks for a moment, then asks, “Are we ordering in?”

“Yes.” I don’t have the energy to go out.


Nodding, I gesture for her to return to fitting on clothes so we can get it done and over with.

It takes four hours before the penthouse clears out, and everything returns to normal.

Needless to say, I’m exhausted just from watching Tess fit on one outfit after the other.

She slumps down next to me, letting out a sigh. “It feels like I went to the gym.”

Turning my body sideways so I’m facing her, I rest my arm on the back of the couch. “Are you happy with everything you got?”

Tess glances at me, her gaze slowly drifting over my face. “The question is, are you? I didn’t have much of a say.”

The corner of my mouth lifts. “I don’t share.” I wave my other hand over the length of her body. “Every inch of you belongs to me.”

She lets out a chuckle, but sadness flickers in her eyes.

Tilting my head, I ask, “You don’t agree?”

She looks away toward the windows. “Just would’ve liked being appreciated for my personality and everything else I have to offer and not just a piece of meat.”

Her words grate against my gut, my hand shoots out, and grabbing hold of her chin, I force her to look at me again. “You’re not a piece of meat. Trust me, I’d get my fill and move on if that were the case.”

Tess’ fingers wrap around my wrist, but she doesn’t pull my hand away from her face. She stares at me for a long moment, then says, “Since we met, it’s been a crazy whirlwind. We don’t get along. Why marry me?”

I lower my hand to the side of her neck, and feeling her pulse, I lock eyes with her and wait. Soon enough, her heartbeat speeds up, and once it’s fluttering against my fingers, I murmur, “All it takes is one look from me to get your heart racing.” I take hold of her hand and press it to my chest so she can feel she has the same effect on me. “This is why I married you. Just by breathing, you make my heart beat faster.”

Confusion flutters over Tess’ face, her tongue nervously darting out to wet her lips, then she asks, “Do you even like me, Nikolas?”

More than is good for you to know.

Letting go of Tess, I get up and walk to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. “Are you asking me if I care about you?” My eyes flick to her, and when she nods, I answer honestly, “I do.”

She gets up and comes to the kitchen while I open the bottle and take a sip.

“So you think a marriage between us can work? We won’t end up killing each other?”

Setting the bottle down on the counter, I place a hand on Tess’ hip and tug her against me. “Only time will tell.” Needing her to understand my stance on marriage, I add, “But there will never be threats of divorce. We will remain loyal to our vows, no matter what.”

Wrapping my arms around her, my hands find her ass, and I grip her tightly.

Desire flares to life in her eyes, and framing my jaw with her hands, she stands on her tiptoes to press a kiss to my mouth. “So we’re really doing this?”

“Definitely,” I murmur. My teeth tug at her bottom lip, then I deepen the kiss, my tongue stroking hers.

Before I can lose myself in her body, Tess pulls back. “Then I suppose we actually have to get to know each other.” She removes her body from my hold, picks up my bottle of water, and takes a sip. Leaning against the counter opposite me, she asks, “Why do you have such a short temper?”

I let out a chuckle. “Patience only gives people the opportunity to fuck with me. A short temper keeps them on a short leash.”

Tags: Michelle Heard Sinners Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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