Revved to the Maxx (Reynold's Restorations 1) - Page 40

I blew out an indignant sigh. “What an ego you have. Not everything is about you. We had lots of other things to talk about, you know.”

He didn’t reply.

“Mary knows you, and she knows you’re private. You were barely mentioned.” I warmed to my annoyance. “And what was that shit about my glasses and wearing contacts? I need them for reading. And I don’t own a turtleneck. Besides, it’s summer, and I would perish in the heat.”

A long deep snore was his response. I tilted back my head, looking at him.

He was asleep. He fucked me like a champion, then passed out.

With a huff, I slipped from the covers, pulled on my jeans, and yanked on his shirt he’d taken off earlier.

As far as I was concerned, he could wear mine.

I held my head high all the way back to my little room.

Chapter 12


Maxx didn’t come into the office the next morning. He showed up early and went straight to work on an old Toyota Camry that was in the shop. It was in great shape, the original bodywork still in place, no rust that I could see. It was a creamy white and, obviously, well maintained.

I was certain he regretted last night. I had zero regrets, except knowing it would probably make him more distant and grumpier. Plus, I had no doubt he would inform me today it wasn’t happening again. Or he would pretend it never happened.

I could do the same thing, except for the slight ache in my lower back and the fact that I was a little tender in spots.

Being ridden hard would do that to a girl. Maybe I would ask him today if I could soak in the tub. I poured him a cup of coffee and carried it out front and leaned against the bumper.

“Morning, boss.”

All I got was a low grunt from under the hood.

“I brought you coffee.”

“Fine,” was the muffled response.

I admired his ass before I spoke. “Nice car.”

I saw his back flex as he exhaled in resignation, realizing I was going to keep talking. He lifted his head. “Yes. A nice old Camry.”

“Ninety-two?” I guessed. “That was sort of the breakout year.”

His gaze was filled with annoyance. “Yes. And it will be ninety-two more years before I get this done if you don’t shut up. Don’t you have work to do?”

“Yep. Lots of it. I need some reports pulled to do it, though, and you’re avoiding me.”

He brought himself to his full height, towering over me. “I am not avoiding you.” Then his eyes narrowed. “Is that my shirt?”

“Oh.” I fingered the collar. “Yes. Mine seems to be missing.” I batted my eyelashes, trying to look innocent. “Have you seen it?”

I expected a snarl. A biting comeback. What I didn’t expect was the open expression on his face. Or his sudden shout of laughter. Even more surprising was the way he moved, caging me between his arms against the car. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. It looks far better on my bedroom floor.” He leaned in and nipped my neck. “The password is ThomasR1950. Get your own damn reports. I’m busy.”

Then he got back to work. I blinked. Looked around the garage expecting a camera crew and someone yelling “Punked!” to jump out.

“Um,” I stammered. “That will give me access to everything.”

He turned his head and threw me a wink. “I’m aware. I’m watching you. Remember that.”

I stumbled away, heading toward the office. Maxx stood, reaching for his coffee. “Do up a couple of buttons, Charly. Have mercy on my customers.” He shook his head. “And me,” he mumbled.

I didn’t respond. I sat down heavily on the chair in the office and, without thinking, buttoned up. I signed in to the bank and tried the password. I was shocked when it worked, but then quickly pulled the reports I needed, printed off some statements, and signed off.

Maxx was talking to a couple of guys in the garage, listening to what they had to say. I watched him, suspicion creeping in.

What was he up to?


I somehow wasn’t surprised when I woke up in the morning and found Red gone. She never seemed to be in the same place I left her in. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, feeling rested and surprisingly calm. I shouldn’t be. I had done it again. Slept with Charlynn—Charly—Red—whatever her name was. I swore it wouldn’t happen, but it had.

The night before, I had assumed she was in her room as I ate the delicious macaroni and cheese she’d left in the oven. I had another large piece of pie, then feeling guilty that my actions must have made her upset, I took a plate of food to her. But she wasn’t there. I checked the house again, then walked the property, but there was no sign of her. After seeing her bag and laptop under the table in the dining room, my panic grew.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024