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Revved to the Maxx (Reynold's Restorations 1)

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She tossed her head, the damn pigtails bouncing around her shoulders. “The sleeves were torn. I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

“You think that outfit is suitable for a garage?” I snarled.

She rolled her eyes, enjoying this too much. “Duh. They’re coveralls, Maxx.”

I stepped in front of her, tracing my name over her breast with my finger. “Any reason these coveralls, Red?”

She met my eyes, hers dancing in delight at my reaction. “So I was covered in you all day.”

Her words went directly to my cock.

“Find an excuse to be in the storeroom at lunch. You and I need some privacy to discuss your choices in outfits,” I hissed.

She tilted her head. “If you say so, boss man.”

It was all I could do not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her into the storeroom right then. I wanted to fuck her against the shelves, holding those pigtails and making her cry out my name.

“I say so,” I growled.

“All right.” She pressed closer so I could feel her nipples straining against the material. “Just so you know, I’m commando underneath. I figured it would save you some time.”

She placed another muffin on the table in front of me. “See you later.” She winked and moved toward the office. I watched her go, a smile tugging on my lips. Things would never be dull while she was around.

And I wanted her around for a long time.

Saturday afternoon, I sat astride my motorcycle, waiting for Red. I watched with narrowed eyes as she hurried across the lawn, stopping in front of me.

“Go change,” I ordered

She looked down at the tank top and shorts she was wearing. “But it’s going to be hot!”

“Fine.” I yanked my Henley over my head, exposing my bare chest.

“You can’t go like that,” she protested.

“Neither can you.”

With a huff, she dug in her bag and pulled out one of the old garage shirts, putting it over her tank. “There.”

I reached into my leather saddlebag and tugged a black muscle shirt over my head, sliding it under the waistband of my jeans.

Her eyes widened. “No way. That’s worse.”

I lifted my eyebrow.

She dropped her bag and dug inside it again, muttering the whole time.

“Holy moly. He calls me stubborn… They’ll be all over him wearing a muscle shirt. Walking sex on legs. Seriously.”

I enjoyed her frustration. Now, she knew how I felt. Hopping on one foot, she pulled on a pair of pants, right over her shorts. “Better?”

“Did they shrink?” I griped.

She slammed her hands on her hips. “They’re capris, Maxx! Stop chapping my ass and put your gosh dang shirt on!”

I chuckled and pulled my Henley back over my head. Silently, I handed her a jacket, and she took it, holding it up.

“It’s warm standing in the sun, Red. Not on the back of the bike. You need the cover.” I shrugged mine on and waited.

She slipped it on, running her fingers along the old leather. “Is this…” She let her voice trail off.

“It was my mom’s. I know it’s a little big, but it will block the wind.”

In a nanosecond, she was on me, her arms locked around my neck, kissing me. I grabbed a handful of her ass, holding on tight, taking control of the kiss and letting her know who was in charge. At least at the moment.

I stood and deposited her back on her feet. I slid a helmet over her head, tugging on the braids, then locking it in place. I bent down and kissed her again, then swung on my bike.

“Get on, Red.”

She scrambled behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I patted her hand and gunned the engine.

“Hold tight.”

She snuggled against my back. “I plan to.”

I wrapped my arms around Red’s waist, swaying in time to the music, listening to the covers of the old rock band, and enjoying myself. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. I had a great day with her. She was excited and dragged me around, looking at the various bikes, the arts and crafts, and talking to everyone. I saw some familiar faces, caught up with a few people, and watched with amusement as Red handed out business cards like candy, talking about the shop, my talent, and the restoration work I did. Little minx even had pictures on her phone. I hadn’t been to the event in two years—too sad when my dad died since we usually went together, and still too raw after the shit Shannon and Billy had pulled. I had gone to one event with Shannon, but her attitude had ruined the entire day for me. Red was easy, just as happy to stand beside me and listen to me talk as she was to explore items in the craft area. She held my hand the entire day, often wrapping her arm around me for a kiss or to share one of the treats she picked up along the way. I tried to growl at her, but today, it was impossible. She was too adorable, and I was too caught up in her spell.

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