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Revved to the Maxx (Reynold's Restorations 1)

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“We have to reset her shoulder.” He met my eyes. “I need you to stay here and stay calm, Maxx. Once that’s done, and we clean her up, you can see her.”

“When can I take her home?”

“We want to keep her for a while. Her blood pressure is a little low—probably shock, but we want to be sure.”

A strange feeling crept into my chest. It constricted my breathing, and I had to force myself to stay calm. Jerry must have noticed my struggle, because he patted my shoulder and his voice was soothing.

“It’s quite a normal reaction, Maxx. She’s hurt, and her body is adjusting. We’ll monitor her closely.”

I could barely acknowledge his statement.

“Is there someone to sit with her tonight?”

All four of us spoke at the same time. “Yes.”

“Then I know she’ll be in good hands.” He looked behind me, addressing Mary. “Keep him here.” He turned and disappeared into the room again.

She pulled on my arm. “Sit with me, Maxx.”

I shook off her grip. “I’m fine—what the hell is going on?”

The sound of Red’s anguished, pain-filled cry pierced my heart. My body locked down at the sound, and a noise I had never made escaped my throat. I needed to get to her. I pushed forward, but Mary stood in front of me, blocking my way, and both Stefano and Brett had a hand pressing down on my shoulder, not allowing me to move.

“It’s done now,” Mary assured me. “Her shoulder is back in place. It’s very painful, but fast. She’ll feel better.”

“I should have been in there,” I rasped.

She shook her head, a smile pulling at her lips. “I think Jerry was wise to keep you away. He knows you would have reacted and, no doubt, punched him in the face. He has a nice face. Shame to damage it.” She cupped my cheek. “Relax. You need to relax. She is going to need you, Maxx.”

I swallowed and forced my shoulders to drop. “She has me,” I murmured.

Mary’s eyes were tender. Understanding. “I know.”

Jerry came from the room, looked over at us, and held up his hands. “We’re giving her pain meds and strapping the ankle. You can go in soon. The worst is over.”

He glanced toward Mary. “Good job. I didn’t need the hulk appearing and breaking the place.”

Mary laughed. “He has a little more control than that.”

“Not much,” Brett muttered. “Not when it comes to Charly.”

I snapped my head in his direction, but he simply shrugged. “It’s true, big guy. Give in and enjoy it. She’s something special.”

I looked toward the door that kept me from her.

He was right. She was.

It felt as if hours passed before I was allowed in to see her, although Mary told me it had only been forty-five minutes. I stepped into the room, pausing at the end of Charly’s bed. I felt a strange lump in my throat looking at her. Tenderness and rage battled in my head. I wanted to hold her, comfort her. I wanted to go find the bastards and beat them until they were bloody.

Tenderness won out.

I moved to the chair beside her, sitting down and letting my gaze roam freely, assessing all the injuries I could see, and worried about the ones I couldn’t.

Her face was wan, paler than I had ever seen her. Her freckles were drops of ink on the pallid skin. Her eyes were shut, her long lashes resting on her cheeks, and her matted hair was pulled away, leaving her face exposed. A huge bruise on her forehead and another on her cheek bloomed dark and angry. Abrasions were scattered everywhere. Her hands were resting on the blanket, more bruising and cuts marring her skin. Her ankle was propped up, a tensor bandage wrapped around it, the swelling evident. I was certain if I drew back the blanket on her I would see bruising and cuts on her legs.

Fury began to win out over the need to stay beside her, but before I could move, her eyes fluttered open, the mossy green almost gray with pain. Tenderness returned full force, and I learned a new lesson.

I hated to see this girl in pain. My girl.

She lifted her hand, seeking, and I carefully enclosed it within mine. “Hi,” I managed to get out past the lump in my throat.

“Hi.” She swallowed. “You found me.”

I leaned closer, wanting to kiss her but worried about hurting her. I bumped the end of her nose with mine. “I’ll always find you, Red.”

A tear slid down her cheek.

“Are you in pain?”

“No. I think they have me on some good stuff.”

“I told them only the best.”

Her smile was wobbly, but there.

“Could I have some water?”

I poured the cold liquid into a cup and held the straw as she sipped.

“Better,” she sighed.

There was a knock at the door, and a police officer walked in. I recognized him—another guy I’d gone to school with who came to the shop regularly with his wife’s car. She had been at the class the other day, and I was certain she was coming to the next one.

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