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Revved to the Maxx (Reynold's Restorations 1)

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“You have three minutes to get out of my sight before I change my mind. And here’s a word of advice. Your pictures are up all over Lomand and Littleburn, and there is a warrant out for your arrest. Do not try to come back. You do, and I will have you arrested. Regardless of getting the bike back, you still stole the Ducati and a whole pile of cash, so there’s more than enough to convict you.”

Neither said a word. I focused on Billy. “I trusted you. You were my friend. You made the choice of her over me. I never want to see you again. Ever. Do you understand?”

“I get it. You won’t.”

“Then get out of here.”

He moved past us, Shannon starting to follow. He looked over his shoulder. “I’m done with you too. Don’t follow me.”

He walked out, moving fast, and after a moment, she followed, arguing and pleading. The sounds of their voices faded away, and I sighed. Arnie hurried behind them, muttering about them stealing something from the office.

Charly looked up at me. “Your motorcycle,” she whispered. “You got your motorcycle back.”

I smiled and drew my fingers down her cheek. “Because of you, I did.”

“I guess forgetting to make the payment was a blessing.”

“You’re the blessing, Red.”

She looped her arms around my waist. “I liked you all tough and gruff. Telling her off.”

“That felt good,” I admitted. “I have to say, I feel sorry for Billy. He looks like shit.”

She grinned. “I think Shannon is going to have to find her next victim.” She paused. “I never knew you could whistle like that.”

I smirked and whistled under my breath. “You were damn sexy defending me to her, Red. All tough and gruff,” I repeated her words and bent down to kiss her. “Sexy as hell.”

“We’re a good team.”

“We are.”

She beamed up at me. “Let’s load up your bike and my boxes and go home.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Two years later

I stood back and admired the two bikes in front of me. “Amazing job, Stefano,” I praised. “This detail is stunning.”

He grinned. “It was fun. What a great couple they are—and easy to work with.”

I had to agree. In their late fifties, Teddy and Rose were avid riders. They had come to us with their matching Harleys, wanting them detailed and decked out. We sat with them, listening to what they wanted, and I was certain we had surpassed expectations.

Teddy was simple. He wanted black on black, lots of chrome and some silver airbrushing. His one request—a small rose somewhere he could see it on his bike for his wife.

Rose was harder to pin down. She loved feminine things, and her favorite color was purple. But she didn’t want a simple, one-color bike. We ended up with a unique paint effect that started silver at the front, gradually darkening to gray and lavender, finishing with a rich vibrant purple at the back. Stefano had airbrushed an effect on the bike that looked like lace edging and added delicate lavender roses in places to highlight the beautiful finish. In the same place he added the rose for Teddy, he put a small teddy bear for Rose. We added other touches to the bike, the purple-edged seat and matching leather bags that would give her lots of storage. His bike had the same additions since they loved touring on the weekends.

Both bikes were works of art and would bring the garage more acclaim.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “You get to unveil them. You deserve the recognition.”

He grinned. “Thanks, Maxx.”

I strode through the restoration area—a new addition to the garage last year. Business was booming. I had to expand the garage to four bays, plus add the area for our restorations. Stefano worked only in the restoration area now, and we had expanded to cars as well as motorcycles. Three of us were working there full time, and we brought in a couple of extra people as needed. My eye caught the gleam of red paint, and as usual, I stopped and cast my eyes over the Indian motorcycle displayed in the corner. It was complete with the emblem finally added and another touch I never expected.

Charly was in the garage sorting through the boxes we’d brought from the storage locker. I insisted she unpack them and use her dad’s things as further embellishments in the garage—he had an amazing collection of tools and car memorabilia. The pieces would be a great addition to the walls. I wanted her to add the personal items to the house so it would feel like her home—not just mine.

I heard my name being shouted. I looked up from the bike that I was inspecting carefully and stood as Charly came barreling out of the barn, holding something aloft.

“I found it! I found it! It was there, Maxx!”

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