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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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I chuckled as I watched her walk away. Her jeans hugged her ass nicely. It was full and round, and next time I kissed her, I planned on touching it.

I planned on touching a lot of her.

She just didn’t know it yet.



I tried desperately to hold on to my anger the rest of the day.

How dare he? How dare he be there? The nerve of him, all tall and sexy, charming Theo, helping me get great service on my SUV.

Letting his eyes roam over me as if he owned me. Those dark, sexy eyes that smoldered and beckoned.

Kissing me.

That big, egotistical Italian jerk.

I grumbled under my breath as I filled my tray with drinks for my table. I refused to admit I enjoyed the way I felt as he looked me over, his eyes lighting up as if he liked what he saw. A lot.

I wouldn’t allow myself to acknowledge that I sighed when he kissed me. That it felt as if everything had settled again and I was at peace. As if I was supposed to be in his arms.

I refused to admit that. In fact, I needed to stop thinking about him. Period.


I forced a smile to my face and served the tray of beers to the large table, teasing and joking with them. I depended on my tips, so I made sure to treat my customers right. It was busy for a Tuesday night, and I was pleased. Busy meant more tips for me, which gave me a little breathing room in the budget. I was grateful to have gotten the extra shift tonight. It was rare they came up.

I saw a new set of customers in the corner, and I grabbed some paper coasters and an appetizer menu and approached the table, my smile firmly in place. As I set down the coasters, I launched into my usual spiel.

“Hey, guys. Welcome to Ziggy’s. Drafts on special this evening. Appy’s half price if you’re hungry. I’m Gabby, and I’ll be looking after you tonight.”

A blond man smiled at me. He looked familiar, but I wasn’t sure why. A younger man was with him, and he grabbed the menu.

“I’m starving. We need a bunch of stuff.”

“Sure, Chase. Order whatever you want. We’ll eat.” The blond looked up. “Three drafts and whatever my friend here wants. We’ll need lots of napkins.” He winked. “The kid’s messy.”

“Three?” I repeated, just as I felt someone behind me. Someone big. Someone who felt far too close and smelled far too familiar. Like the woods on a fall day. Crisp. Clean. Inviting.

“Well, well, if it isn’t my lucky day,” a man murmured close to my ear.

I spun, meeting the dark eyes of Stefano. Instantly, I realized why the other two table occupants looked familiar. I had seen them at the garage earlier today.

I narrowed my eyes. “What are you doing here?”

He stepped back, holding up his hands, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Having a beer and some snacks with my boys.”

“I’ve never seen you in here before. Are you following me?”

“Following you from where, exactly? We had to deliver a car and pick up some parts from a junkyard, and we saw the sign on the way back and decided to stop in. We’re hungry.” A smile played on his full lips. “But seeing you is an added bonus.”

“Sit down, Stefano, and quit harassing the pretty waitress.”

Stefano grinned. “I like harassing her. She likes it too.”

I sniffed. “Don’t count on it.”

“Can I order?” The young one spoke up. “I’m really starving.”

Stefano brushed past me—brushed being too strong a word. He laid his hand on my arm, sliding behind me, his chest pushing into my back. I felt his heat and his strength. His muscles as they rippled. My breath caught, and I had to take a moment before I responded. He sat down, his gaze never leaving mine. He indicated the blond man. “That’s Brett.” He pointed to the one desperate to order. “The hungry one is Chase. We work in the garage.” He smirked. “This is Gabby, a new customer of ours, boys. Say hello.”

They both nodded and did exactly that, and despite my annoyance, I had to smile at them. I directed my attention to Chase.

“What would you like?”

He ordered half a dozen items, rattling the list off fast. “Double order of hot wings, nachos with extra jalapeños, onion rings, chicken fingers, poutine, and deep-fried pickles. Extra dipping sauce.”

“How about something healthy?” I asked before I could stop myself.

Stefano grinned. “Throw in some carrot sticks.”


Brett laughed. “We’ll work it off tomorrow.”

It was impossible not to notice how incredibly built they all were. Stefano was cut and powerful. Brett was slimmer but muscular, his pecs and arms well-defined under his tight T-shirt. Chase was lean but toned, his forearms flexing as he held the menu.

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