Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2) - Page 23

“Stefo’s smart, Mom.”

“He is,” I agreed.

“Brett said I was a great helper.”

I smiled at him in the rearview mirror. “You are.”

“Maxx said I could come back anytime.”

“As long as you behave.”

“Charly gave me a cookie. It was good. I like her.”

“I like her too.”

“I’m going to be a mechanic when I grow up. Just like them.”

It was the first time he’d ever said anything like that. He’d never said he wanted to be a fireman or police officer—nothing. They had obviously made a great impression on him.

“You can be whatever you want to be,” I assured him.

“Can I get a tattoo like Stefo?”



“Kids can’t get tattoos. Only adults.”

“Oh.” He was quiet then spoke again. “I like this car. It’s nice.”

I patted the dashboard. “It is nice.”

“Is Stefo your boyfriend?”

That one gave me pause. “Why would you ask that?”

“Because he came to the house, and no one ever comes to the house,” he stated simply. “I like him. He can be your boyfriend, Mom.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Okay.” He leaned his head back, staring out the window. “You need to wash my uniform so I can be ready for the next time. The guys need my help.”

I had to hide my smile. “Okay, Teddy Bear.”

“Theo, Mom. I’m five. I’m too old for Teddy Bear now.”

“You’ll always be my Teddy Bear.”

He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Not in front of the guys, okay?”

My shoulders shook with silent laughter. No doubt he’d heard that expression at the garage and picked it up right away. “All right. Theo, it is.”

I had lost track of time, and I barely had time to make Theo his supper, do some laundry, and put on a pot of soup for Mrs. Scott. I sat with him as he ate, enjoying our usual routine. I always fed him before I left. My shift was from six to one, and I liked having supper with him. It made the odd, grueling schedule seem a little more normal. I walked him next door to Mrs. Wilson, who greeted him with affection and happily accepted the container of soup I brought.

“Alfie will take him home later and stay with him.”


The bar was busy tonight, and the time passed quickly. Lara seemed fine, not bothered, it would appear, by Stefano’s rejection the other night. It didn’t take me long to figure out she and Ziggy were back on. His long looks and her giggles every time she was close to the bar made me roll my eyes. I couldn’t keep up with them. It quieted down by eleven, and Ziggy sent me home early. I had made a lot in tips already, and now that the bar was quiet, I knew leaving wasn’t a big deal. I had the feeling it was more to be alone with Lara than anything, but I was fine with it since it meant some extra time at home for me, and Ziggy told me he would pay out my full shift. Both things were rare occurrences.

The SUV purred to life and was a pleasure to drive. I hummed to the music, feeling calmer than I had been in a long time. Theo was happy and healthy. I didn’t have to worry about the vehicle I drove. I had steady employment and a place to live. I had met some nice people.

And then there was Stefano.

He crept into my thoughts all the time. He hadn’t spoken to me other than a simple greeting since yesterday, and I knew he was confused. I wasn’t sure how to make him understand. I had no idea what he would do if he found out what being involved with me entailed. Why I was so reluctant to get involved with anyone. Why I might disappear in the blink of an eye.

The other night had been one of the most sensual, exciting moments of my life. Surrounded by him. His incredible body pressed into mine. His innate strength tempered with a gentleness to his touch I had never experienced. The way his mouth worked me. How his fingers felt inside me. My explosive orgasm.

I sighed as I parked the SUV in the driveway, my head filled with thoughts of him.

I let myself in, the downstairs in darkness except for the small light Mrs. Scott always kept burning for me. The double doors to her place were drawn shut, so I knew she was in bed. Some nights, they were open and she was awake, and we would talk for a while. Other times, I simply shut off the light and headed upstairs once whoever was watching Theo left. If she woke later, I knew she always looked to see if the light was out. That was her way of checking up on me.

I climbed the steps and headed to the small TV room in order to let Alfie head home, surprised not to hear the low noise of his video game playing. In the doorway, I stopped short in shock at the sight that met my eyes.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024