Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2) - Page 38

“You feel so fucking good.”

“Sei più bella di un angelo.”

“Take my cock, yes, like that. Just like that.”

“Siamo fatti l'uno per l'altra.”

Most of what he said, I didn’t understand, but I felt his adoration. It saturated his tone, and even his dirty words were infused with it. My body was awash with sensation. The feel of him inside me, hard and full. His skin, sweat-soaked and glistening, was like hot silk under my fingers. He balanced his weight on one arm, still pressing me into the mattress as we moved. His voice washed over me like a caress. His dark eyes, lit with fire, zeroed in on me, watching, ever focused, even as he lost himself to me. To us.

Another orgasm hit me, so intense and sudden, I thought I would shatter from the force of it. A scream lodged itself in my throat, and Stefano covered my mouth, swallowing my pleasure, riding it out until his body locked down and he shuddered, dropping his face to my neck, his voice muffled but his words reaching my ears.

“Gabriella, ti adoro.”

He collapsed, for one moment his heavy weight keeping me in place, then he lifted off me, our gazes locked. He drew one long finger down my cheek and pressed his mouth to mine in a series of light, sweet kisses. He slid from me, leaving me empty and aching for him. He got rid of the condom and slipped back into bed, pulling me close and curling himself around me. I tried not to giggle when I realized he was trying to fit on the bed and not fall off. I turned and snuggled against him, letting him bend his legs and mold himself to me.

“You were amazing,” he murmured, his breath tickling my neck.

“You were pretty spectacular yourself.”

He chuckled, kissing my shoulder, making me shiver. “We were spectacular together.”

We were quiet for a few moments. He held me close, and I stroked his forearm with my finger.

“It’s been a long time for me,” I admitted.

“It has for me as well.”

“How long?” I asked.

“Over two years.”

“Can I ask why? Would you tell me?”

“I will, but not in your bed. Not after what just happened between us.”


He rose from the bed and pulled on his shorts. Standing in my room, the light beginning to fade, the shadows playing over his muscular chest and large arms, he filled the space. He held out his hand. “Kitchen,” he said simply.

I let him pull me from the bed, trying not to smile as I saw his cock begin to swell as he looked at me, naked in front of him. He made a low sound and handed me my robe. “Put this on. Now.”

“Or?” I teased.

“No talking will be happening unless you count the groans you’ll be making as I make you come. Again.”

I took my robe and followed him to the kitchen.

I made coffee since that seemed to be his preferred beverage and waited until he took a long sip before speaking.

“We’re not in bed anymore.”

He met my eyes. “I’m going to keep this short. I don’t like thinking about it, much less talking about it.”

“All right.”

“I’ve dated casually. Never anything serious until I met Leah. I thought she was pretty amazing.” He huffed out a laugh. “Turned out to be anything but.”

“I’m sorry,” I offered, unsure what to say. He shook his head.

“I dated her for a month, and I even took her to meet my family. They didn’t like her. She didn’t like them.” He lifted one eyebrow. “That should have been my first clue.”

“Your family is important to you.”

“Yes.” He took another sip. “But I kept seeing her. Our relationship was odd, although I didn’t see it at first. She had a weird work schedule that kept changing. We met when we could—often at my apartment over the garage where I worked in Toronto. I was fine with it—at the beginning.”

“Was she married?” I guessed.

“No, but it turned out she had a whole other life. I saw her one day while I was out picking up parts. She was coming out of a restaurant with a group of people. I went over to say hello and surprise her—except it was me who got the surprise. She saw me coming and literally ran away. I had never seen her move so fast. She ran around the corner and disappeared, leaving me standing there like an idiot, the group of people she was with looking at me as if I were some sort of criminal.”


He smiled, although it never reached his eyes. “She was ashamed of me. A lowly mechanic. Turns out, I was her dirty little secret. She had a boyfriend. A high-paying, steady nine-to-five job. Lots of rich friends. I was just a good, easy fuck.”

“Oh, Stefano,” I breathed out. “How horrible.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024