Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2) - Page 50

The days passed in a blur. I felt busy and productive.

Friday, Ziggy confirmed the bar would open on Monday, which meant I had the weekend off. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d had that much time off from a job.

Charly shuffled in, sitting down as my phone rang. I rolled my eyes, not answering.

“Scammers?” she asked.

“I think so. The number changes, but no one is there when I answer.” I frowned. “At least I think that’s what they are.”

She nodded. “I heard there’s been a rash of them again. I hate it. I had a run of them about a month ago. I used to keep a bullhorn handy, but Maxx took it away.”

I chuckled, her words helping me feel better.

“I hear you have a big date tonight.”

I nodded. “Stefano and I are having dinner in Toronto at some place he really likes. I get to get dressed up. His mom is keeping Theo.”

“For the whole night?” she winked slyly, waggling her eyebrows.

I laughed. “No, we’ll pick him up and head home.”

She shook her head, leaning closer. “You should have gotten a hotel. Hotel sex is the best sex. The first time I had sex with Maxx was in a hotel.” She fanned herself. “Girl, talk about hot. The man had moves—and the thing he did with his tongue—”

Maxx stomped in, almost growling. “Stop talking about us having sex to the employees, Red.” He leaned over, hitting the intercom button. “Or at least make sure the speaker is off. Everyone knows now.”

I tried to hold back my laughter but failed. Maxx kissed Charly hard and stormed out of the office. She wasn’t at all offended—in fact, she called after him.

“At least I said it was hot! You were smoking, big man!”

Then she looked at me and winked.

“You knew it was on.”

“I needed to rile him up.” She winked again. “I have needs he has to meet.”

“You are terrible.”

She grinned. “He’s always too careful with me when I’m pregnant. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. I’m feeling better, and I need sex. Sex with Maxx.”

She held out her hand, and I let her grip mine and hoist herself out of the chair.

“Now I’ll go through the garage and stop partway. I’ll frown a little, and he’ll have me in his arms in a second. I’ll get a ride home. Then maybe I’ll get a different ride. You’ll have to shift the appointments a little.”

“Again, terrible. But I can do that.” We shared a grin.

She shrugged and shuffled away. A few seconds later, I spied Maxx carrying her out of the garage. Charly met my eyes and gave me a thumbs-up. I laughed.

Stefano appeared a short time later, wiping his hands. He dropped a kiss to my shoulder, then sat down.

“Looking forward to dinner?” I asked.

“I am.”

“The bar is closed until Monday.”

He grinned. “Excellent. I get you all weekend. We can go to Mama’s on Sunday and take Theo to the park.”

“He’d like that.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at six thirty. That enough time?”


He stood and winked. “Awesome.” Then he leaned down close to my ear. “Charly’s right. Hotel sex is awesome. Mama would be happy to keep Theo…”

“Stop,” I chided gently.

“You, me, no noise restrictions,” he whispered. “A huge bed, room service…” Again, he trailed off.

“Room service?” I squeaked.

He chuckled. “The idea of food got you? Not loud sex?”


“I already booked a room. There’s a spa tub. And I took the day off tomorrow.”

And with those words, he left the office.

I looked down at the papers in front of me, not seeing the words.

All I saw was him naked, in a tub. The steam swirling around his body as he held out his arms. His muscles would be on display, and his cock would be hard and waiting.

For me.

“Come to me, Tesoro,” he would murmur.

I squeezed my thighs together.

Suddenly, I was looking even more forward to tonight than I had been.



The restaurant was dim, the atmosphere intimate. The booths were round and surrounded by thick glass and wood, each one private and cozy. I sat beside Stefano, our thighs pressed together. I sipped the heady red wine he’d ordered, glancing at the menu.

“What looks good to you?” he asked, closing his and picking up his wine. He swirled the wine, inhaling it before taking a long, appreciative sip.

“It all does.”

“They have a sharing platter. Appetizers, soup, a large steak, and sides.” He grinned. “Two desserts.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Medium rare, right?”


He ordered dinner and offered me the basket of bread. I bit into the dense, rich piece of the focaccia bread, the rosemary and garlic exploding on my tongue.

“How did you find this place? Is it your date go-to?” I teased lightly.

He chuckled, chewing and swallowing his bread.

“My family knows it well. The other half is more, ah, open than this part. Families, friends—that sort of casual vibe. Brett and I would come here on occasion and enjoy a good steak. My family books the private room at times.” He lifted my hand and kissed it. “This is the first time I’ve brought a date here.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024