Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2) - Page 70

“The feeling is mutual. I love that kid.”

“I know. I heard.”

“It’s going to happen, Tesoro. We’re going to be a family one day. We won’t talk about it tonight, but soon.”

Something in my chest loosened, and I felt myself relax. “Okay, soon.”

He passed his hand over my head again. “It’s been a long day.”

“It has.”

“I think you’re going to drift off soon.”

I smiled, not speaking. He continued to run his hand over my head. “I don’t want you to fall asleep in the tub,” he said, a trace of worry in his voice.

“I won’t. I’m just enjoying the tranquility.”

He stood. “Okay. I’m going to make a few calls. I’ll be back to check on you shortly. Don’t slip under the water.”


He let out some water, replacing it with hot, swirling it around my legs, then he left, pulling the door behind him. I basked in the unexpected moment. The bathtub in my apartment was shallow—fine for Theo but not for soaking. And normally, I would be at work in the evening. Not home to put Theo to bed, not soaking in a warm tub. Often the little free time I had was spent going over the budget, trying to figure out how to cut corners, wondering what the next day or week would bring. Trying to find a way to give Theo what he needed. And doing it all alone.

There was never a sexy, sweet man waiting for me. Worrying about me. Wanting to help in any way he could.

But tonight was different. Tonight, I was safe. We were safe. Tomorrow would be the first day of a different life. I would work in the garage, helping Charly and Maxx. Theo would be close. Stefano would be there. We would be together again at the end of the day.

I had almost lost that. Stefano was right. I was so used to reacting from fright and worry. To doing everything on my own. I had lost sight of the fact that things had changed, and for the first time since Theo was born, I had a support system around me. People who cared.

A man who really loved me. Loved my son. Wanted to be a family.

And it was time to let him know I returned his feelings.

Stefano was stretched out on his bed, leaning against the headboard, talking to someone on the phone. He looked so sexy, his chest bare, sleep pants covering his legs. He had one leg up, the knee bent, his hand resting on it as he spoke. He smiled when I walked in, sliding his knee down and patting his thigh. I climbed onto the mattress, curling up beside him, resting my head on his soft flannel-covered leg. He immediately combed his fingers through my curls. I knew he loved my hair—he touched and played with it every chance he got. I found his ministrations very soothing, and his touch felt good on my aching skull.

“Great, Maxx. No, I think we’ve got everything covered. How’s Charly?”

He listened for a moment and chuckled. “Sounds about right. Busting your chops. Any more contractions?” He slipped his hand to my neck, rubbing the sore muscles.

“If it changes, call. We can come stay with Thomas if they start back up again. Gabby can help Kelly, so you don’t have to worry.”

He talked for another few moments, then hung up.

“Charly’s having contractions?” I asked, rolling over to look up at him.

“Braxton-Hicks,” he said. “But Maxx is pretty sure the real thing is gonna happen soon. She’s dropped, and, as he says, Charly is extra cranky and demanding. Busting his chops every five minutes. And being stubborn, insisting she can do everything like normal.”

He chuckled. “Not that that is anything new. But he’s worried in case she goes into labor quickly. Kelly is great, but she doesn’t have a lot of practice with babies for the long-term. Helping Charly while she’s there is one thing—left on her own…well, let’s just say, Maxx is a bit uptight. I told him, between you and Mary, they’re covered. I can have you there in ten minutes.”


He probed the area around the cut on my head, his touch light and gentle. “How does it feel?”

“Okay. It hurts to touch it.”

“Then don’t touch it.”

“Ha-ha. So funny.”

He frowned, tracing the edge of the bandage. “I hate seeing you in pain.”

I captured his hand. “I’m fine. It’ll heal.”

He nodded, a shadow passing over his face.

“When I thought I’d lost you, when I couldn’t find you…” He trailed off and swallowed. “The feeling churning in my gut, the despair that threatened just at the thought—” He met my gaze, his tormented. “Jesus, Gabby, it was like nothing I had ever felt. I never want to feel that again.”

I pressed his palm to my face. “I’m right here, Stefano. I’m fine.”

“And you’re going to stay fine,” he said fiercely. “Nothing is going to happen to you. It can’t. I just found you, and nothing and no one is taking you or Theo away.” He paused. “And you’re not going anywhere without me.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024