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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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He brushed a hand over his neck, inspecting his palm. “Well, shit. Busted, I guess.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks, Gabby. It’s complicated.”

“It always is.” I paused. “Where does Maxx keep the extra tires he’s ordered in the barn?”

“To the right of the workout area—behind the tarp. They’re stacked and organized on pallets.”


I waved and headed to the house. Charly was at the table, looking amused. Kelly was pouring a cup of coffee, her movements jerky and rushed. She was muttering under her breath.

I sat down beside Charly. “Lover’s spat,” I whispered.

“She has a love bite on her neck,” Charly observed.

“Brett has lipstick all over his.”

“I can hear you,” Kelly snapped.

“Good,” Charly said, slapping the table. “Tell us what the hell is going on. Don’t say ‘nothing’ either. It’s bull pucky. I am about to go into labor, and I am incapable of listening to bull pucky. Spill.”

Kelly sat down, crossing her legs, her foot swinging in agitation. Charly was right. There was a love bite at the base of her neck. A good one. Obviously, nice guy Brett had a passionate side.

“It is nothing. Brett and I have some history. Of the sex nature. Nothing else. Today, he tried to suggest otherwise. We argued.” She shook her head. “He ruined a perfectly great sex opportunity to get all emo.” She slammed her hand on the table. “I have no interest in settling down. I am not my mother, and I will never be beholden to a man. I’m going to travel, see the world, take great pictures, and have as much meaningless, passionate sex as possible!”

I blinked at her tirade. For a moment, no one said anything. Then Charly spoke.

“How’s that working out for you, Kelly?”

Kelly stood. “I would tell you to fuck off, Charly, but you’re about to go into labor, so I’ll let you off this time.”

“By all means, brush me off,” Charly retorted. “Run upstairs and hide. But we’re going to talk about this before you leave.”

Kelly sniffed and marched upstairs.

“I think someone is in deeper than she wanted to be,” Charly said. “She has so many issues to work through, but if she faced them, I think she’d find that—”

She stopped talking, her hand flying to her stomach. She glanced down. “Shit. Just like last time. My water just broke.” She met my eyes. “The baby is coming. Maxx. I need Maxx.”

“On it.”



I opened the patio door and ran for the garage. Inside, I found Maxx and shouted his name. He didn’t hesitate, dropping his tools and running past me. I chased after him, and behind me, I heard Stefano and Brett following.

In the house, Charly’s head rested on the table, and she was panting and counting. Maxx dropped to his knees beside her.

“Red? Talk to me.”

Charly lifted her head. “She’s coming fast, Maxx. Just like Thomas.”

Maxx stood. “Her bag is in the nursery.”

Kelly raced down the steps, holding it up. “I heard—I got it!”

Maxx lifted Charly into his arms, concern reflected in his expression. “I got you, Red. We’re heading for the hospital.”

Brett spoke up. “Give me ten, and I’ll drive you.” He was covered in oil and grease, having just started an engine rebuild when I’d run into the garage. “I just need to get the grease off my hands and get out of these overalls.”

“Can’t wait,” Charly gasped.

Stefano met my eyes, then grabbed the bag when I nodded in understanding. He hated to leave, but this was important. I would be safe here.

“I’ll drive. Brett, you stay and man the garage until I get back. Kelly, you have Thomas?”


“I’ll help,” I said, catching Stefano’s eye. “I’ll stay in the house too.”

“Okay, great. Everything is handled.”

“Mary,” Charly gasped out, another contraction catching her breath.

“I’ll call her and let her know,” I assured her.

Brett reached for his phone. “I’m calling Riley. I know he’s on patrol today. I’ll tell him to expect you to be breaking every speed limit there is.”

Maxx nodded. “Good plan.”

And then they were gone.

A short time later, Kelly sat down, running a hand over her short hair.

I handed her a coffee. “How you doing?”

She smiled ruefully. “I have no idea how Charly does this. Thomas is such a good baby, and I’m exhausted. He’s everywhere—he moves so fast and is into everything. I can’t keep up. Even Theo—how do you do it on your own?” Then she stared at me as if suddenly realizing something. “How the hell is Charly going to handle two?”

I laughed. “You sorta grow with them and adapt as they change. Charly is amazing, though. She’ll rock it.”

“A baby and a toddler,” Kelly mused. “I can’t even fathom it.”

I took a sip of coffee. “You don’t want children?” I asked casually.

She frowned, chewing the inside of her cheek. “I don’t really know. I like kids, but I’ve never been one to stay in one place very long. Not much of a life for a child.” Her face darkened. “Then again, trapped one place isn’t always great either.”

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