Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2) - Page 80

“There’s an old chicken coop door on the back. When my nieces and nephews come to visit, we play hide-and-seek. I use it a lot.”

I eased back, looking up at him. “How did you know?”

“I was on my way back from the hospital. I saw a van pulled off the road close to the driveway. Given everything, I was suspicious. I stopped to check and saw it was a rental. Idiot left the doors unlocked, and I looked at the rental agreement. His name was on it. Maxx left his cell behind in the rush earlier and I gave him mine, so I couldn’t call. I cut through the field and heard you scream in the barn. I knew that fucker was here. I snuck in.”

“Thank God,” I whispered.

“Okay, the asshole’s trussed up and not going anywhere. I’ll wait for the police. You two head in and see Theo. I’m not sure he entirely bought the mouse thing,” Brett announced. “I heard him telling Kelly you were braver than that.”

Stefano cupped my face. “Are you okay?”

I gripped his wrists. “Yes.”

“Can you do this? Be calm for Theo? Act like everything is normal?”

I nodded.

He bent and pressed his lips to mine. The feel of his mouth on me grounded me. His touch soothed.

“I’ll be right beside you, Tesoro.”

I tightened my hold on him. “That’s why I can do this.”

On the ground, Wayne groaned. “My head. It hurts.”

Chase kicked his foot. “Shut up. Just shut up, or your head will be the least of your worries.”

With a deep breath, I hunched beside Wayne’s prone figure. “Enjoy being in jail, Wayne. I’ll be raising my son with the example of a good, strong, real man to look up to. One he is proud to call Dad. Think about that while you’re rotting in a cell. Just so you know—neither of us will be thinking of you at all.”

Stefano took my hand and, together, we walked away.

Theo looked relieved when we walked in, throwing himself into my arms.

“Mom, you screamed—like a girl! It scared me!”

I held him tight. Stefano glanced over his shoulder and shut the door. I knew the police had arrived, and he didn’t want Theo to see the police car.

I shuffled us over to the table, sitting so he couldn’t see outside.

“I am a girl, Theo,” I reminded him, trying to stay calm.

“But you’ve seen a mouse before. We held them at the petting zoo.”

“It wasn’t a mouse,” I said.

He looked up at me, triumphant. “I knew it. Was it a rat?”

I shivered. Unknowingly, he’d described his father to a tee. “Yes. A big one.”

“I thought I saw a man behind you when you shut the door. Why did you shut the door?”

Stefano spoke up, sitting beside me. “That was me, little man. I was trying to help your mom keep the rat inside. She shut the door so he didn’t escape or head toward you.”

Theo’s eyes were huge. “Was it really big?”

“The biggest one I’ve ever seen. He’s in a crate now. They’re coming to pick him up.”

“Can I see?”

“No!” I cried out without thought.

Theo frowned. “Okay, Mom.” He looked at Stefano. “I just asked.”

“I think it’s sick,” Stefano explained. “Your mom doesn’t want to risk you. That’s her job, little man.”

Theo nodded.

“Besides,” Stefano continued, “you brought barbecue, and I’m starving. So is your mom.”

That distracted Theo. “We had macaroni and cheese with brisket in it earlier. I ate my whole bowl, it was so good. But I’m hungry again.”

Stefano clapped his hands. “Good. Let’s eat.”

It was the hardest thing to do—sit and eat, pretending everything was okay. Faking how delicious everything was when in reality it tasted like sawdust. Brett and Chase appeared shortly, washing their hands and sitting down.

Stefano looked at them, his eyebrow raised. “Animal control take away the rat, boys?”

“Yep. They, ah, need to talk to you and Gabby later.”


“How is Charly?” I asked, needing to think of something else.

Stefano grinned. “I checked Maxx’s phone. Baby Vivian was born about an hour ago. Mommy and daughter are doing great.”

Everyone smiled around the table, thrilled for Maxx and Charly. Grateful they were out of the house when this all took place.

“We’ll have to go see them tomorrow.”

“Can I take a present for the baby?” Theo asked.

“Of course,” I agreed. “We’ll go pick out something in the morning.”

“I need to swing by the hospital and take Maxx his phone and get mine,” Stefano said. “And I’m a little tired. Would you mind heading out early, Gabby?”

I shot him a grateful smile, knowing he was saying that for my benefit. “Of course. It’s fine.”

“Mary is on her way,” Kelly said. “She’s so upset she was in Guelph today at that quilting show when Charly went into labor, but she’s headed back now. I’ll be fine with her here.” She shook her head. “She wanted to drop everything and rush back, but I told her no. We were fine until this evening.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Reynold's Restorations Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024