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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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I rocked her in the steamy shower, letting her get it out. She needed the release. I needed to hold her.

Eventually, she nodded against my chest, her sobs beginning to ease off. “We have to go to the police station.”

“We’ll do that first and get it done. Theo can have breakfast with Mary and Kelly. Then it’s over.”

A long shudder passed through her body, and she relaxed against me. “It’s over.”

“Your past can’t hurt you anymore, Gabby. It’s time to start focusing on the future. Our future.”

She looked up, her eyes red-rimmed and exhausted, but still so beautiful she made my chest ache.

“Our future,” she repeated.

“You, me, and Theo. Yes?”

She sighed, a long, weary puff of air. She rested her head back on my skin.




“Oh my God, she is so beautiful,” Gabby said, looking down in wonder at Vivian. Maxx and Charly watched her, both proud and pleased with her observation. “Her hair is already red!”

“I know,” Maxx said, happy. “She looks like her mom.”

Gabby traced her finger over Vivian’s plump cheek. “Do you think her eyes will go dark?”

“I hope so,” Charly said. “She’d look so pretty with dark eyes.”

Gabby laughed. “I think she’ll be pretty, regardless.”

“What does Thomas think?”

Charly wrinkled her nose in amusement. “He liked her but thought she slept too much. He wasn’t impressed that she didn’t seem overly interested in his trucks he brought to show her.”

I chuckled. “He’ll get over it.”

“Do you want to hold her?” Gabby asked.

I held out my arms. “Sure.”

She carefully slipped the small bundle into my embrace, and I sat down, looking at her tiny face. She was a beauty. “You’re going to have your hands full, my friend,” I muttered, glancing at Maxx. “She is gonna give you a run for your money.”

He smiled, his eyes filled with love as he looked at his daughter. “I know.”

Theo peeked over my arm, his eyes filled with curiosity. “She’s so tiny.”

“I know,” I agreed, shifting slightly so he could look closer. “You going to give her your gift?”

He pulled a large stuffed bunny from the bag, holding it up. “I got you this,” he said shyly. “I thought you’d like the pink floppy ears.”

Maxx ruffled his hair. “She’ll love it. That was very thoughtful of you, Theo. Thank you.”

“You can hold her if you want,” Charly offered.

Theo’s eyes grew round. “Can I?”


I settled him in the chair, and Maxx tucked a pillow on his lap. We showed him how to hold her head, and I slipped her into his arms, crouching beside the chair in case. He stared at her in wonder. “Are babies all this small?”

“They come a bit larger, but yeah, they are pretty tiny,” I informed him.

He whispered something to her, then looked up. “I want one. Okay, Stefo?”

Maxx covered his mouth to stifle the chuckle, and I grimaced. “We’ll talk about it later, little man.”

He shook his head. “She’s cute and small. She can live in my dresser for a while, and I’ll help. She’s so little she won’t be a problem. You and Mom can get me one.”

I scratched my chin, unsure how to respond. Seeing Gabby hold her had done something to me. The thought of her swollen with my child, of holding my daughter in my arms, made my chest ache with a longing I had never admitted to myself. Thinking of Theo being a big brother made me grin. I glanced over, meeting Gabby’s slightly amused, somewhat panicked gaze.

“They’re a lot of work even if they’re small,” Charly said. “And they cry a lot.”

“She’s not crying now,” Theo insisted.

“They can’t live in a dresser,” I added.

He frowned, gazing down in rapture. “I’d let her have my room. And my toys.” He looked up, his eyes pleading. “Please, Stefo?”

“I’ll talk to your mom.”

Maxx chuckled. “This oughta be good.”

Gabby came over, bending down and talking to Theo, rolling her eyes at me.

I stepped away with Maxx, closer to Charly.

He leaned in, his voice low. “Everything go okay this morning?”

“Yeah. Statements signed. He’s been transported to Toronto. He’s, ah, going through withdrawal and had to be restrained. He had enough drugs in his system they’re shocked he could walk, never mind attempt a kidnapping.”

“Shame. I hope they tied the fucker down tight.”

“Me too.”

“Your woman is brave,” Charly said softly.

“Foolish, but yes, brave.”

“She was protecting her child. I can understand that.”

“I hope it’s the last time she is in that position.” I shook my head. “I can’t take more fires, vindictive exes, or her running.”

Charly grinned. “I suppose not—you have to concentrate on making Theo a baby now. That should keep you busy.”

I had to laugh. Gabby hadn’t been impressed with my response, but we would talk about it later. I had some ideas I wanted to discuss with her.

We left shortly after. Charly was looking tired, and I knew Maxx was hoping to take her home later that day. She would rest once she got home. I drove us back to my house, and we sat outside in the backyard, enjoying the sun and fresh air the rain last night had brought with it.

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