Devil in a Suit - Page 25

My confident expression wavered as I forced a nod. If only she knew how the company was suffering now. The only people who knew that the company was struggling was my executive board. The interns definitely didn’t know. I didn’t need a bunch of chatty college students spreading around sensitive information. The press would be on me in an instant, exposing my failures to the world.

“Everyone still has room to learn and grow. Even me,” I told her. People put me on a higher pedestal than I deserved to be put on. I would be the first person to admit that. I wasn’t some genius or a revolutionary. I was merely a product of my own hard work and determination. Anyone could get to where I was if they worked hard enough.

“Yeah, I have plenty to learn too,” Madison agreed. She crossed her legs, moving her hands down her pencil skirt to smooth it down.

My eyes trailed her hands before darting away quickly. Typically, I would shamelessly look, but everything felt different with her. I wanted to hide my interest, my attraction. There was a good chance that she didn’t return those feelings, especially after our past interactions. A lot of women held a grudge until the end of time.

I parted my lips to tell her to seek real-world experiences over classroom lectures, but the words got caught in my throat as an idea formed in my head. If she wanted a real-world business experience, I had to go to one soon, and I needed a date. Of course, I wouldn’t tell her she was my date, but she could benefit from being in a room full of business professionals.

“I have to go to a business gala this Friday. Would you like to come with me? It would be a good experience for you,” I asked her. Deep down, I hoped that she said yes. I would have a bombshell date of my own, and she would get a little business-world exposure. It was a win-win.

Madison gave me a surprised look. “Oh, really? That sounds great,” she said, smiling gratefully at me. “Is Sara coming too?”

I nearly winced at her question. I completely forgot about the other intern. I didn’t want to bring Sara to this event because it would blow my cover. I would look like a douchebag if I had two pretty girls on my arm, or I would have to admit that they were just interns. I could only have Madison. “No, I’m just extending this offer to you. It might be best if you don’t say anything about it, though,” I replied as I leaned toward her, lowering my voice. “Our little secret.”

Instead of appearing uncomfortable about keeping such a secret, Madison looked even more excited as she nodded. “I can do that,” she assured me.

I almost chuckled. She actually took an order from me without giving me attitude back. The dynamic had certainly changed between us. I didn’t know what happened, but I was glad about it. It was tiring being annoyed by her. I turned to my computer and typed in Madison’s email, forwarding the gala invitation to her.

“I sent you an email with all the details that you need to know. I’ll meet you at the hotel at seven,” I told her. I wasn’t going to go as far as to pick her up. That would be really pushing the idea that this was a date, and I wasn’t looking to date. I just saw a way for both of us to get something out of this gala, so I jumped on it. Plus, I didn’t need to be alone in a car with her.

“Wearing my best dress,” Madison replied before letting out a breath. “So, all the big CEOs go to this gala?”

I sensed a little bit of nervousness from her. I couldn’t blame her. She probably didn’t know what was in store for her. Only business executives were invited to these events, so I was letting her skip quite a few steps on the ladder to attend.

“Yes. Don’t worry, they’ll be too busy drinking and boasting to give you any trouble. Just introduce yourself and talk about your business idea,” I told her. I did want her to succeed. She had a great idea and a smart mind, but she needed support and funding if she ever wanted to get her business off the ground.

“I can do that,” Madison said, now looking determined. She stood from her seat, smoothing down her forest green blouse and black pencil skirt. The motion gave me a hint of the curves underneath her clothes. She then held her hand out to me. “Thank you, Mr. Ashland.”

I couldn’t help but look at her hand in surprise. After our initial interactions, I thought it was hard enough for her to even look at me. Now, she wanted to shake my hand. I supposed that we never had a formal introduction. I stood from my chair and reached over to shake her hand, trying to ignore the jolt that shot through my body when I touched her.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024