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All the Bold Moves (All The Right Moves 2)

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We’re ushered into the room by his Dad, and soon we’re all sitting around their large, cozy living room; Matthew, Molly, their parents, a few aunts, uncles and cousins. The fireplace is blazing, and Mrs. Wakefield has a vintage holiday record playing. A plate with different varieties of Christmas cookies sits on the coffee table.

Matthew stands near the tree, seemingly scanning the room for an open spot, but instead of taking a seat, he clasps his heads together and clears his throat. “Hey everyone? Before we get started, I have a little announcement to make,” he begins.

“You knocked up your girlfriend?” His cousin Jack shouts.

“Jackson Michael Wakefield!” his mother admonishes from her spot on the couch, clearly embarrassed.

Mrs. Wakefield laughs nervously.

Matthew shakes his head, and with a grin, winks at me. “Not quite. But I am glad you’re all here, because I’ve got some really exciting news to share. In fact; I haven’t even told Cecelia.”

All eyes turn to me, and I feel a blush creep up my neck. Molly nudges me in the ribs from her spot next to me, humming the opening bars from the Wedding March. I shoot her a ‘hey, knock it off’ glare as I rub my side.

Again, Matthew clears his throat and directs his attention towards me. “Cecelia. Sweetheart.” I hold my breath. “I’ve been traded to the Blackhawks.”

Suddenly, everyone jumps up and begins shouting, Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield embracing in a congratulatory hug. I stand and take a few steps towards Matthew, but he meets me halfway, cupping my face in the large hands I’ve come to cherish. “I’m so happy for you!” I whisper when our noses meet, my hands covering his.

“Don’t be happy for me, baby. Be happy for us. We’re coming home. You’ll only be a half hour from your parents; closer than you were before.”

Closer to my parents? Oh joy, I think, noting that even my thoughts are bordering on sarcastic.

“When did you find out?”

“Honestly? This morning. Bill’s been working on it for a while. They couldn’t agree on a salary, but they faxed over a number this morning and we’ll sign the contracts tomorrow. Are you happy?”

I’ll have to remember and send Bill – his agent – a Thank You card.

I look up at Matthew, brushing my mouth against his lips. “Yes, I’m happy.”

“I love you, Cecelia. So much.”

I kiss him again. “I love you, too.”

Someone pulls at the pant-leg of my jeans, and I look down to find Molly staring up at me with a grimace on her pretty face. “Ugh, could you two not? Stop pawing at each other and sit your asses down so we can start opening presents.” She rolls her eyes and glares at her brother.

Taking my hand, Matthew pulls me to the carpet, and we sit, hands entwined.

Life is good.

And I have a feeling it’s only going to get better.

The End

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