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Room Mated: Standalone Reverse Harem Romance

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There was no way I was going to push my hand inside my panties while two men were in the room, but the temptation was still there. I rearranged my comforter, shoving the edge of it between my knees. That way, I had something to squeeze my thighs around as I lay on my side.

I had one hand under my head, but with the other, I lightly brushed my fingers across my chest. My nipples were rock hard. Was it just because of the sounds I could hear, Jude and Mason breathing louder, obviously stroking themselves faster? Or was it because I was picturing them doing it?

Or was it because I was attracted to them?

That last thought was troubling. They were my friends and roommates. That made them very off-limits. But it was hard to remember that when I could hear them touching themselves.

The bed shook faster, and heat coursed between my legs. It sounded like Jude was close to coming. Then the shaking stopped abruptly, and my breath hitched as I listened for his release. There was a quiet strangled sound, as if he’d swallowed back a cry. Then I could feel the bunk bed shift as he relaxed back onto the mattress.

One down… one to go.

Mason’s labored breathing filled the room and my inner muscles tightened while I listened to him. I wished I could see him stroke his cock. Hell, I wished I could feel him stroke me.

He caught his breath and there was an expectant pause. Then he groaned loudly and let out a huge exhalation.

For a moment all was quiet except for the sound of Mason’s breathing as he came down from the climax. Then Jude said, “Really discreet, man.”

I couldn’t help chuckling, even though that meant they’d know I was still awake. “Good night, you perverts.”

“Good night,” they echoed, apparently having no problem with my label for them. As promised, they seemed to fall asleep almost instantly after that.

I envied that because I was awake, unsatisfied, and horny as hell.



I spent most of Saturday studying, going over everything we’d covered in the first three days of classes. I even asked Parker about a few things, but he looked so miserable and lost in thought that I tried to keep my questions to a minimum.

Jude went out somewhere in the evening, and Mason worked for a few hours on his laptop before putting on a movie. “Give it a rest, Kylie, you’ve been working all day.”

Since my eyes felt like they were about to fall out of my head, I closed my book and put away my things. Then I got a beer out of the fridge and joined him on the sofa. As I took a swig, I reminded myself that we needed some better booze choices as soon as possible.

Parker joined us for the second half of the movie, but then he retired to the balcony for his favorite activity—staring off into space. Right before bed, I went out and tried to get him talking, but it didn’t work.

I climbed into bed and did some reading—fun reading, for a change—on my Kindle. I’d just turned it off and stashed it on the shelf above my pillow when Mason came in.

He did his usual athletic hop to get up to the top bunk and settled himself under the covers. “Better close your ears, sweet cheeks,” Mason’s voice floated down from his bunk.

“Sweet cheeks?”

“Just wanted to give you some warning so that I didn’t offend your delicate sensibilities.”

I snorted. Yes, I was on the small side, but delicate wasn’t a term most people would use to describe me.

Mason had his head propped up on his hand as he looked down at me. His other hand was under the covers, a fact that made my pulse speed up. “You’re allowed some stress relief at the end of the day, too. I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

He shrugged and then rolled onto his back, putting one knee up either because he wanted to or to block my view of anything that might be moving under the covers.

Realizing I was staring, I rolled over, facing the wall, my ears straining for any sound from Mason’s bed. Then I heard it—a soft, repetitive sound of flesh on flesh. He was stroking himself. I shoved the edge of my comforter between my thighs and squeezed hard.

Mason’s breathing got louder and I wondered what he was thinking about. Some porn he’d seen? Or perhaps being with a pretty woman he’d met on campus? I wished I had a window into his head so that I could see what he fantasized about. Was it just straightforward sex? Or were his fantasies and desires a bit more… intense?

The sound of his bunk bed creaking back and forth as he worked his cock hit my ears, and my hand snaked down between my legs. I couldn’t help it. I slid a finger under my panties and then my whole hand as Mason’s breathing grew more ragged. I paused, my index finger resting on my seam. Could I really touch myself while he was in the room? But I wanted to—badly. It took a real effort not to let my hips undulate because he might see that.

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