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Dirty Ties

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She sighed beneath my train-wreck of falsehoods and truths. When this was all over, hopefully I would walk away with some semblance of integrity still intact.

I bent my knees and flexed my hips against hers, tracing my nose along her neck and filling my insides with the honeyed scent of her skin. “Tonight is our secret. You have my word.”

The lie burned my throat like acid, but it evaporated with the softening of her body against mine. No matter how much shit I fed her tonight, I wouldn’t lie to myself.

It was impossible to deny the way she affected me. The rawness in her smile, the intelligence in her eyes, her undeniable beauty—Jesus, even the erotic way she rode her bike—made her the essence of my every fantasy.

I trailed my fingers over her lips, dipping between them with each pass to wet the tips. How many times had I jerked off to the memory of her mouth in the elevator, the warmth of her lips against my fingers beneath the helmet, and the stroke of her tongue on my cock as I held her in place by her braid?

A surge of need throbbed between my legs, tightening my balls. My pulse barreled through my veins as I shoved my hands in her hair and angled her face, closing the gap between us. Her quickening breaths brushed my lips, and naked desire glazed her eyes.

I slammed my mouth against hers, chasing her tongue with aggressive strokes and biting her lips with a ferocity that made my ears roar. Her body trembled against me, her hands clawing up my back and fisting my shirt.

She tasted clean and sweet, but felt so goddamned indecent. That only made me want her more. A delicious shiver raced up my spine, my cock stiffening at the wrong angle against the zipper.

Without releasing her lips, I untangled a hand from her hair, adjusted my hard-on, and reached beneath the front of her skirts. Following the strap of the garters, I traced the edge of her panties between her thigh and pussy. The push of my knees against the insides of hers widened her stance, opening her for my fingers.

The first caress between her legs intensified the achy throb between mine. I broke the kiss and dropped my head against the wall beside hers, my fingers sliding along the indentation of her lace-covered slit. “So damned wet.” A groan vibrated my chest. “Such a fucking turn-on.”

She ground against my hand, her fingers digging into my back, pulling me closer. She looked up at me with hazy, heavy-lidded eyes. “Please, Logan.”

My cock jerked, my self-control unraveling. I gripped the front of her panties and yanked hard. The strings at her hips ripped. I tossed the scrap to the floor and shoved my hand between her legs.

As my fingers brushed her clit piercing, I paused deliberately, as if I hadn’t expected it, and let her hear the catch in my breath. I wanted so badly to grip that ring and circle it around and around until she came, to finish what I’d started five nights ago. But I’d have to use a different technique, one she wouldn’t associate with Evader.

Capturing her parted lips with mine, I ate at her mouth while rolling the piercing up and down, pressing with teasing flicks. She moaned into the kiss, her hips bucking harder with each push and pull of the tiny steel ring.

“Is it sensitive?” I nipped her bottom lip.

She shook her head. “It heightens the sensations.”

I was still blown away and insanely aroused thinking about her hiding clit jewelry under her expensive, stuffy suits. “Did it hurt?”

“Ahhh, that feels good.” She half-laughed, half-groaned against my mouth. “It’s a hood piercing, not as painful. God—” Her inhale cut off as I gave the ring a hard tug. “It was so long ago I barely remember.”

I stretched my fingers, absorbing the wet, velvety feel of her pussy in my hand. “It’s incredibly hot,” I whispered at her ear. “Filthy.” I pushed two fingers deep inside her.

She arched her back, her arms tightening around my ribs. Then she rocked her hips, fucking my hand, head rolled back, lips glistening from my kiss, tits bouncing in the cincture of her dress. Wild. Dirty. Stunning.

I scissored my fingers inside her with each thrust, my knuckles slamming against her soaking flesh, my thumb massaging her clit. Her inner muscles convulsed a second before her body tensed.

The gasping, glorious moan of her release filled me with a surge of satisfaction. I intended to ruin her, for her husband, for any man who signed her vulgar NDA.

Removing my hand, I spun her away from the door and smacked a heavy palm on her ass. “On the bed.”

She glanced over her shoulder with a flushed yet startled look on her face. Well, shit. If she wasn’t thinking of Evader before, she was now.

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