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Dirty Ties

Page 59

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She turned her head, blue eyes wide and glistening, her cheeks glowing from her release. The most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

“God, that was…” She rubbed a hand over her face, swiping at unshed tears. “Ugh, how embarrassing.”

I pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “Don’t be embarrassed. Was it too much?”

“No.” A smile quivered at the corner of her swollen lips. “It’s just…” She closed her eyes and released a breath. “It’s been a long time, Logan.”

Something shifted inside of me, a tingly, restless sensation, floating through my limbs and lightening my body. “A long time…?”

“Since a man went down on me.” Her eyes snapped open, locking on mine. “Years.” Shaking her head, she laughed, but there was no humor in it.

So Collin Anderson didn’t eat out his wife. Okay, not a reason to cheat on him, but seriously? What a putz. I was tempted to ask when she’d had sex last, but just because he didn’t go down on her didn’t mean he wasn’t jerking off inside her three times a day.

A helpless burn tried to invade my chest. I refused to think about her with him, didn’t want to crush the floaty feeling that had settled through me moments earlier. I’d given her something she needed, and while I shouldn’t give a flying fuck, I couldn’t stop myself from caring with the entirety of my being.

“Not gonna lie.” I leaned in and pressed my lips against her soft neck. “I’m pretty damned happy I was the guy to break that dry spell.”

A lustful sigh pushed past her lips. “Me, too.”

Did she really feel that way? Did she feel connected to me at all, a guy she just met? Maybe I didn’t want to know, didn’t want to think about the part of me that sensed something deeper, something I desperately wanted reciprocated.

I ran the pads of my fingers across her lips, making her breath quicken. Then I leaned back, sitting upright with my knees on either side of her ribs. Struggling to pace my own breathing, I reached beneath her skirt and pushed a finger inside of her, careful to keep the material in the way of the cameras.

Her arousal coated my hand, her body still ready, wanton, so damned sexy. Thank God because the ache in my dick had raised my body temperature to unstable, my need to fuck her simmering beneath my skin.

I tried my best to not attack her like an animal as I bent over her head, grabbed a condom, and put my mouth at her ear. “Eyes forward. Don’t move.”

“So bossy.” She smiled and turned her head to stare at the wall across from the bed.

A moment later, I had my painfully-hard cock wrapped in latex and positioned at her opening. With my hands curled around her tiny waist and my Chucks planted on the floor beside her heels, I pulled her hips against mine and slammed her onto my shaft.

My eyes rolled back into my head, my breath caught, and my muscles shook with the need to move. Hot, snug, liquid heaven. But in that euphoric second, buried deep inside Collin’s wife, I knew it was wrong.

My father was an adulterer. God knew how many lives he’d ruined. Would this ruin Collin? Should it? What excuse had she given him tonight? How would she explain where she’d been? Why the fuck was she cheating on him?

My vision clouded, and my pulse raced. An edgy twitch crawled through my body, magnified by the clamp of her muscles around my cock. Seething heat coiled around my neck. I wanted to use her, punish her, make her swallow my anger.

I drove my hips, dug my fingers into her waist, and pounded into her with all my strength. She cried out, her hands scrambling over the bed. I gripped her harder, pinning her, and fucked her without mercy, without restraint, without technique. Pull out, slam in, out, in. No gentle caresses. No finesse. It was crude, angry, thoughtless.

I fucked her with the kind of hard-hitting savagery I’d longed to unleash on a woman but never dared. I fucked her until her voice strained from her screams and her body tensed in pain, and right before I reached the edge of orgasm, I pulled out.

I couldn’t come. I wouldn’t. Not like this.

With shaking fingers, I straightened her skirt and sat on the edge of the bed beside her hip. My muscles burned with exertion, my breaths rushed out in short bursts, and my head spun as I came to terms with what I’d just done.

“Logan.” A demanding whisper, despite the rawness that scratched through it.

Guilt filled my stomach with lead, but the thing was, it was inconsequential. Because the moment I met her eyes over my shoulder and glimpsed the glassy look of pure wonderment on her face, I realized she had just fucked me.

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