Following Maggie (Coming Home) - Page 13

“Our future.”



The cab pulled up in front of a small house, silent and still in the early morning darkness. Wearily, I stepped out, offering my hand to Maggie to help her from the back seat. I grabbed our bags from the trunk, while Maggie paid the driver with the twenty-dollar bill I had pressed into her hand, silently arching my eyebrow at her to protest. She accepted the bill without argument—too tired, I figured, to fight about something so trivial.

After getting off the plane, we took a bus into the city, then sat in the terminal for hours, waiting for yet another bus that would take us to the place where her house was located. When we finally pulled into the small town of Riverstoke, we were both exhausted. Maggie wasn’t even sure there would be a cab around at four a.m., but luckily, there was. We’d both been quiet the past few hours, lost in the thoughts inside our heads. I wondered if she was regretting her impulsive offer of having me come with her. I wondered briefly if I had made the right decision. But when her hand slipped into mine and she settled her head against my shoulder on the bus, the sense of calm I felt made me realize my decision was the right one. I only hoped she felt the same.

Standing on the sidewalk, I smiled down at her. “I hope you have a key.”

She held up the dull bronze key with a nod and a smirk. “I hope there’s heat and electricity.”

I picked up the bags, while she walked ahead of me.

“We’ll figure it out.”

The porch stairs creaked, and I noticed a few of the rails were broken. I began to create a “to-do” list in my mind. I saw the lean on the one side of the porch she had spoken about, and I knew that was one of the first things I would have to look after. I was already certain it was causing the small leak she had described.

Inside, she flicked the light switch, sighing in relief when light flooded the hallway. “I had texted Dad’s neighbor and told her I was coming back soon, but I hadn’t given her a date. I wasn’t sure if things would be working.”

I moved forward, shucking off my coat. The air was cool, but not cold. While Maggie went ahead and turned on a couple more lights, I moved through the kitchen and down the hall to the thermostat and turned it up, pleased when I heard the furnace immediately kick in. Returning to the kitchen, I looked around. The house was modest but nice. The eat-in kitchen was large, plus a decent-sized living room with a fireplace. I knew upstairs were two large bedrooms and a smaller one that Maggie had thought we could use as an office. I poked my head in the doorway off the kitchen and checked out the laundry room. It was surprisingly spacious, and I quickly added to my list. A second bathroom would work well there.

Maggie opened the refrigerator and let out a pleased sigh. “I think Eleanor must have brought a few things over.”

“Is that your neighbor?”

She nodded. “I haven’t met her yet. She moved in just after I left. Dad spoke highly of her and her husband. They were incredibly kind to him.” She paused a moment. “They’ve been so sweet and helpful to me with their emails and looking after the house until I could come back.”

I crossed the room and pulled her into my arms. “We’ll figure out a way of saying thanks.” I nuzzled her head. “But right now, we need some sleep, then we can make some plans.”

“You have to call your father.”

I sighed. “I know.” I wasn’t looking forward to that. At the moment, he thought I was still stuck in the airport.

She looked up at me. “You should do it now while I go see what condition the rooms upstairs are in and find some towels. I need a shower.”

“That sounds good.”

She hesitated. “I know it’s not going to be a pleasant phone call, Sebastian.”

I snorted. “That’s an understatement. He’s going to be furious.”

“You need to make sure this is what you really want, before you call,” she murmured, her worry etched on her face. “I understand—”

Shaking my head to stop her thoughts, I stroked her cheek with my finger. “It is. But is it what you want? Are you sure, Maggie?” I looked around the room. “I can see us here together already—laughing at the table, eating dinner, watching movies, and cuddling on the sofa.” I slipped my hand over hers, squeezing it. “If you’re sure, so am I.”

“I am sure. I want this. I want you with me.”

Brushing my lips across hers, I smiled. “Then go have your shower, and I’ll make my call.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024