The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 6

“Sure, okay. See you tomorrow.”

Adam reached out and squeezed her shoulder one last time, and any self-control she might’ve had went up in smoke at his smouldering touch. He severed eye contact and strode over to placate his brother, so Amy grabbed her suitcase and called the elevator again, hoping this time it wouldn’t contain danger.

As she waited, she listened to Dylan shouting that Tariq Shard wasn’t going to get away with this, and she was intrigued to know what was going on. How had Tariq known who she was, and what had he meant by saying she’d been his idea? Surely she needed to get to the bottom of this? But on the other hand, maybe it would be better to stay out of it, do what she came for, then get back to the safety of her little London apartment and her relatively drama-free job.

As the elevator doors swished shut behind her, she hoped that Tariq Shard – whoever he was – had been escorted far away from the building. Being here in Ne

w York City was stressful enough, without needing a run-in with a man who apparently ought to be behind bars.

Chapter Four

Adam drove his BMW across the city to the old abandoned garage on the outskirts of town, where Tariq Shard and his dead brother Ivan been working on their project together until the accident. This was the broken-down end of town, so the extensive fire damage and yellow plastic ‘Police - Do Not Cross’ line blended perfectly with the shabby surroundings.

Adam approached quietly, avoiding stepping on any broken glass, not wanting to startle Dylan, who was leaning against the door-less door frame, staring into the blackness. The nearby burnt-out car and drizzly April weather reflected how Adam knew Dylan was feeling. Adam felt like that, too.

The last time he’d seen Ivan, Adam had known something was wrong. As the eldest brother, Ivan had always been laidback and patient; the brother everyone went to for guidance and advice. Even their parents had started going to Ivan for his opinion on business and personal matters. He was quickly becoming the head of the family – and their dad had been delighted to slowly relinquish that role for his wise and sensible eldest son.

But the last day Adam had seen his brother, Ivan had burst into Adam’s office, with panic plastered across his face, carrying a laptop bag, which he’d dumped on Adam’s desk.

“Adam, I need you to hide the contents of this bag in your safe here. Don’t tell anyone. It’s important!”

Adam remained seated in his leather swivel chair. He usually felt powerful and secure behind this huge mahogany desk, but Ivan’s behaviour was disturbing.

A bit of banter should calm things down. “What’s wrong, Ive? On the run from the FBI?”

Ivan didn’t laugh. Instead, he leaned over the desk, as if he was forcing himself not to grab Adam by the shirt and shake him. “For once in your life, can you please just do as I ask and put this stuff in your goddamn safe? Me and Tariq have… well, something terrible happened.”

Adam raised an eyebrow. “This mystery project you’re working on?”

Ivan pulled up a spare chair and slumped into it. “Yeah. I’m terrified it might be about to fall into the hands of the highest bidder.”

“What kind of highest bidder?”

“I dunno. The Russians; the Middle East. Once they get their hands on it… can you imagine?”

Adam stared at his brother. “No, because you won’t tell me what it is. If you’re in some kind of trouble, Ivan… Maybe it’s time to explain what’s going on.”

Ivan ran his fingers through his brown curls, making him look like an older version of Dylan. “Alright, I guess you deserve an explanation. Call Dylan; get him in here. I’ll tell you everything about what Tariq and I have invented. And also, there’s a company called Grafton Techs who I need you buy…”

Dylan had joined them – and had been equally as surprised to see their eldest brother in such a panic. They’d both listened, captivated; unable to believe what Ivan was saying. Could it really be true?

And then, that evening, Tariq had started the fire and Ivan was dead.


Back in the now, Adam joined Dylan by the burned-out entrance to the workshop, desperately wishing he could’ve done more to prevent the disaster.

“Hey,” Adam said. “I saw you leaving. I figured you’d come here.”

Dylan’s expression was severe. “Why didn’t you tell me Tariq was at the office?”

“I was too busy trying to get rid of him. What did you expect me to do? Ask him to take a seat so you could grab your baseball bat?”

Dylan stared into the empty burned-out cavern. “I don’t get it, Adam – why do the police keep changing their minds? Something doesn’t add up. First Tariq’s taken in for questioning, charged with arson, and not given bail until his trial. Now he’s out again, pending trial.”

“You think there’s something else going on?”

“I think he’s playing with the police. He’s a smart guy; they’re corrupt. I’m sure he’s told them something important. Something about the case.”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024