The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 17

He inhaled. “Amy, before we begin, I need to ask you something. It’s my parents’ wedding anniversary party tonight, and I don’t have a date. I need you to do me a favour and come, okay? I’ll pick you up from your hotel at seven-thirty.”

Amy stared at him in shock. Preti laughed.

“As your emergency stand-in date?” Amy asked through gritted teeth.

“No, as my regular date. Unless you have plans?”

“I don’t have plans.” Amy smiled thinly, relaxing slightly. Then she winced. “But I don’t have anything appropriate to wear.”

“Uh.” Adam transferred his attention to Preti. “Hey, Preets, will you take Ms Carter shopping this afternoon, please? To get her a dress for tonight?”

Preti shot him a blank look. “Oh sure – it’s not like I’ve got piles of work and hours of meetings to get through.”


Preti smirked at him. “Oh alright.”

“Thank you.”

Preti turned to Amy and they shared a conspiratorial smile, then they laughed like old friends. Lucy smiled maternally at Adam, and he wanted to laugh, too, but he also wanted to stay in control in front of these ladies.

He opened his mouth to give Amy more details about tonight, but Dylan strode back in. “Ready to begin. What did I miss?”

Adam smirked at Amy. She grinned and started to talk about the merger again, swiftly switching back to her professional self.

Adam’s heart pounded with pride and his cock strained with desire. He couldn’t wait to introduce this beautiful woman to his family, and then afterwards, he hoped to get the chance to thrust his cock again and again into that gloriously tight pussy, to take them both to paradise and out the other side.

Chapter Nine

Amy reached up to draw back the heavy velvet curtain of the fitting room, feeling as if she was about to stroll down the red carpet. This glamorous silk halter-neck dress was the most wonderful item of clothing she’d ever worn. It was flattering and sophisticated, and it made her feel special. It was long, and required heels, so she’d put her work shoes on for now, but really, it needed some proper evening shoes. She wondered whether she could stretch to buying a nice pair to go with this stunning gown. Depending on how much the dress was going to set her back, of course.

Amy had never been in such an expensive boutique before. She loved to buy new clothes, but she was a bargain hunter and she tended to stick to the higher-end retail chain stores. It was a treat to come somewhere like this and receive personal treatment from the owner – who was also the designer. She could happily get used to this.

Although, it would take a little bit of acclimatising. The layout of the boutique was minimalist and sparse, with unique garments dotted around the store. None of the items had prices on them, which worried Amy, and also she felt slightly intimidated by the owner/designer. Preti had introduced her as Carmel Brun, as if that name should mean something to Amy – she enjoyed reading the glossy magazines as much as any woman, but she wasn’t always up on the latest in-vogue designers. Apparently this one was ‘in’ right now.

Inside the opulent changing room – which was almost the size of her bedroom at home – she took one final glance at herself in the mirror. The silky black material clung to her curvy body like a dream. She smiled satisfactorily. If Adam was interested in her beyond just one night then perhaps this dress could be the clincher. She paused in shock at her train of thought. Clincher for what? There was no way this was going anywhere beyond sex and a nice night out… But there seemed something much deeper between them. A chemistry that she couldn’t put her finger on. Or maybe she was deluding herself. But why would she do that? Adam meant nothing to her, and likewise. She was here to do a job...

Amy forced herself to forget about work for now. She knew she was losing perspective, but surely one night of fun would be good for her. And besides, after everything she’d been through recently, why the hell shouldn’t she let a gorgeous wealthy charming man show her a good time?

She pulled back the velvet curtain of the changing room and saw Preti chatting casually to the imposing six-foot, glamorous Carmel. Carmel was a ‘handsome’ woman, and Amy wondered whether she could be a transsexual. There was no reason why not. This was New York City, and like London, anything was possible.

Amy stepped out onto the varnished wooden floorboards and Preti swivelled to inspect her.

She gasped. “Amy, you look amazing!”

Amy chuckled shyly. “Thank you.”

Carmel spoke in her booming voice. “It suits you, darling. Never has an angel looked so appealing outside of heaven.”

“Oh… er… thank you.”

Amy’s eyes flicked towards a wall full of photographs, featuring Carmel posing with various members of royalty and celebrities who presumably were wearing her designs. She forced away her feelings of inadequacy, then stepped over to the opposite side of the boutique to check herself out in the wall-length mirror. Preti came up behind her and they shared a smile in the reflection.

Preti brushed her fingers tenderly through Amy’s hair. “I’ve never known Adam to ask a woman out on a date like that. In front of everyone. I think he likes you.”

The words were out of Amy’s mouth before she could stop them. “Have you slept with him?”

Preti chuckled warmly. “No way – he’s my boss. And besides, I’m happily married. To a woman.”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024