The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 24

Amy raised her voice against the swirling music. “Hey, your mom said you’re dropping out of college to be a rock star. Is that true?”

He shrugged. “Ivan always told me to follow my dreams. He said, Joe, if you wanna be a musician, then do it.”

“That’s true. But did he say you should drop out of college to do it? That you should sabotage your education?”

“Er… no, I guess not.”

“How long have you got left at college?”

“Two years.”

“But you really hate it?”

“No, it’s okay.”

“So why don’t you finish college and work on your music at the same time? Then graduate and decide what to do? Once you’ve got your education, no one can take it away from you.”

Still dancing, he frowned as if this obvious compromise hadn’t occurred to him.

“I guess I could.” His cocky act slipped and Amy glimpsed a confused and devastated young man. She wondered if maybe she was getting through to him.

“I just miss my brother,” he said. “Death makes you realise how short and precious your own life is.”

“Absolutely, it does. But that doesn’t mean you should behave as if you’re going to meet with the same fate as Ivan. You should enjoy your precious time on this planet, of course. But you need to be wise and realise that you might live until you’re ninety. You can live for today and plan for the future.”

He smiled gratefully. “I guess you’re right. And not get too bogged down by the past, either, huh?”


Amy realised they’d stopped dancing now and were standing with their arms around each other, chatting. She quickly released her arms stepped back. “Ultimately, you need to decide what’s best for you. You can do things that other people want you to do – like your mom for example. And it doesn’t mean she’s won. It just means that you decided to do what was best – even if she also wanted it. Sometimes we need to forgo instant gratification for long term freedom. Does that make sense?”

He nodded. “You’re right. Thanks, Amy. You know in some weird ways, you’re very much like Ivan. I guess that’s why Adam likes you so much.”

“That’s a massive compliment. Thank you.”

Joseph lowered his face and kissed her tenderly on the side of the cheek. “Let’s dance – the night is young and Adam will want you back soon!”

Amy laughed. A flag of contentment unfurled inside her and she suddenly felt connected to this fabulous family. They were welcoming and kind. Adam was a playboy, but maybe he just needed the love of a good woman? Suddenly she wanted that woman to be her.

Amy raised her arms and Joseph held her close as they resumed waltzing around the floor together, spinning and twirling fast and free. Amy couldn’t hide her jovial grin, as she allowed herself to sink into his arms and into the glorious moment.

Other guests soon started to join them on the dance floor and the party atmosphere zoomed up another notch. Amy was delighted to see Mr and Mrs Quinlan dancing cheek-to-cheek, as well as Adam, who was dancing with an attractive young woman whom Amy hadn’t been introduced to. She tried not to feel too envious; she was after all dancing with a very handsome young man herself.

But Joseph wasn’t anywhere near as wonderful as his big brother, and Amy was secretly ecstatic when Adam excused himself from the arms of the pretty young thing and strode towards her and Joseph.

“I’m interjecting, little brother.”

Joseph smirked. “Oh if you insist. I’ll go dance with Tracy, shall I?”

“Yeah, get outta here.”

“Thank you, Ms Carter,” Joseph said, “for being so delightful. The dance and the conversation were very much appreciated. My mother will be thrilled to hear that you’ve convinced me to stay at college.”

Joseph winked at her and walked off to rescue the young lady who Adam had left stranded. Amy glanced at Adam. He was staring at her aghast.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“How did you convince him to stay at college?”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024