The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 30

Amy stared at the elevator doors, willing them to open. Her heart thumped in her throat. Maybe she should call Adam to let him know Tariq was here?

Tariq spoke again. “I was just wondering which one of them you’re sleeping with?”

Amy’s anger snapped. “How dare you!”

He smiled sympathetically, and Amy chastised herself for falling for his trick to get her attention.

The elevator doors swished open and a couple of businessmen deep in conversation strode out. Amy pulled herself up to her full height. “Good night, Mr Shard.”

“There’s something you need to know about the Quinlan brothers. Something important.”

Amy willed herself to stride into the elevator, but her feet were seemingly frozen to the floor. The doors swished shut, and she cursed her curiosity. She didn’t dare look at Tariq, so she stared ahead, but they both knew he’d piqued her interest.

“I’d like to tell you everything about Adam Quinlan, Ms Carter.”

Unable to resist, she turned to face him. He was dressed in a fine suit, and he was cleanly shaven – chin and head. His bulk and height made him look like a model or a football player, but his face was gentle and kind. That awful scar on his face sullied his appearance, and sympathy twisted inside Amy’s chest, but she pushed it away – she’d already been duped by one man in New York; better not make it two.

“What of Adam?” she asked.

“Let’s sit down over there. Don’t worry, we’ll be out in the open – seen by everyone in the lobby. You’re in no danger.”

Amy clutched her purse for protection and strolled with him back to the leather couch where a few party-goers were posing for a selfie. The party-goers drifted away, so Amy sat down cautiously, feeling relatively safe with the throng of people around. And Tariq actually seemed pretty harmless. He was well-mannered and softly spoken. Not actually a thug, as she’d been led to believe.

Tariq sat down too, keeping a respectful distance between them. He rested his hands in his lap and spoke with emotion in his voice. “I’ve known Adam my whole life – I’ve known them all my whole life. Our fathers were in the army together – we were all firm friends before Ivan died.”

“From what I hear, you killed Ivan.”

Tariq’s brow crumpled with pain. “I didn't intentionally kill him, you have my word. I started the fire and I’ll be charged for that. But it wasn’t murder. I never would’ve caused Ivan harm.”

“Look, what's this got to do with me?”

“I need to know how you feel about Adam.”

“I hate him. I think he’s an asshole.”

Tariq smirked knowingly. “Really? He’s already got that far under your skin, huh?”

Amy clenched her hands in her lap. “My patience is running out, Mr Shard. What do you want?”

Tariq absent-mindedly scratched himself on the arm. “I was wondering, do you know how Quinlan Senior made his first few million after he left the army?”

“No, but I’ve got a feeling you’re about to tell me.”

“It’s not a pretty tale. Quinlan Senior invited my dad to get involved, but it was too sordid for him. He was good friends with Quinlan Senior by then, though, and they remained friends despite Quinlan’s shady dealings.”

“What shady dealings?”

“The shady dealings of the head of the family you’re getting mixed up with.”

“I’m not getting mixed up with them. It’s just business.”

“Sure, okay. Well, just to let you know – in case it ever becomes more than just business – Quinlan Senior made his first million by running guns for a drugs cartel – that’s the truth. You can ask Adam or Dylan – they’ll confirm it.”

Amy forced herself to remain cool at this revelation. “Well, I’m surprised to hear that. I met Mr Quinlan tonight and he seemed very nice. And anyway, that gun-running stuff was obviously a long time ago. And it’s nothing to do with Quinlan Brothers now.” The thick air squeezed tightly around Amy as the stark realisation struck her. “Or is it?”

“No, I don’t think Quinlan Senior’s involved in the drugs or guns anymore. But really, I guess, who knows? Anyway, there’s something else I need to tell you about the Quinlan family. Can I show you something?”

“Am I going to be able to stop you?”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024