The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 37

“Yeah, worse than you.”

She chuckled, and Adam raised a playful eyebrow, but then he fell serious and kissed her. “You’ve got to know I’d never cheat, Amy. I may be a player when I’m single, but in a relationship, no way.”

They shared a smile of affinity. Did that mean they were in a relationship? Amy couldn’t bear to ask.

“So why’s James still living in your apartment?” Adam asked.

“He needs to stay there until he can find somewhere else. I don’t know why he can’t go live with his assistant. They seemed pretty close last time I saw them together.”

“Well you’re mine now, so he’s gonna be moving out right away. It’s settled; I’ll come with you back to London and get rid of him for you. Now come here and let me ravish you again, my love!”

Chapter Eighteen

Amy was dripping wet, out of breath, and euphoric, but this time it wasn’t Adam’s doing – it was due to the weather.

Just as the car had pulled up outside Quinlan Brothers HQ, the thunderous black sky had cracked, soaking Adam and Amy as they’d rushed up the steps to the building. They stood dripping in the elevator now, laughing freely like children.

Amy gazed at their reflection in the mirrored walls as the elevator carried them upwards. She drew her drenched shirt away from her wet breasts, laughing at the schlucking sound it made. Adam wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck.

“Here we are again in the elevator,” she said.

“Hmm… alone again. I love it when you’re wet, Ms Carter. You’re so fuckable!”

Amy grinned at their reflection, feeling pride swirl inside her. Despite Adam’s smutty sweet-nothings, they actually made a very handsome couple.

He nibbled her ear. “Wouldn’t it be great if we broke down in here? I’d love to strip away your wet clothes and warm up your tight little body. You could see me fucking you long and hard in the mirror.”

Amy smirked and pushed away her arousal. “Don’t you ever stop thinking about sex?”

“Not when I’m around you, sweetheart.”

Amy grinned at the compliment and sunk into his arms. Adam pulled her close. Tender contentment oozed through her chest like honey. It was peaceful in this clean and corporate elevator, alone with Adam, snuggling in his arms. Nothing else was important suddenly; there was romance in this stolen moment. But, of course, real life beckoned as always.

Tariq Shard needed to be dealt with.

The elevator doors pinged open and they both stepped out into the office suite.

For some reason, the atmosphere seemed eerily silent and dark. The glamorous receptionist was away from her desk, and the usual bustle and chatter of this place was absent, as if everyone had gone home early. The Manhattan skyline was thick with rain clouds, and the artificial lights gave the open-plan space a horror-movie bleakness.

The light was on in Dylan’s office, so Adam led Amy over, then they strolled in without knocking. The sky was black outside, and thunder rumbled ahead as the furious rain lashed against the tinted windows. Dylan was sitting behind his desk, typing at his computer, looking tired and weary. Amy knew the whole family had been through a lot recently, and Dylan seemed to be the one trying to hold it all together – maybe because he was now the eldest. It was a bit like being in the British Royal Family – when the current ruler died, the next in line took all the pressure. Amy wondered what Dylan had been like before Ivan had died. She’d never seen a playful lightness to him, as she often saw with Adam. It was going to take a patient and loving woman to peel away his gruffness and free the

kinder man within.

Dylan glanced up. “Hey. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon, Ms Carter. Won’t you miss your flight?”

Adam grabbed a box of tissues from Dylan’s desk and offered it to Amy so she could dry herself.

“I’m taking her back to London,” Adam said, wiping the rain from his face. “I’ve asked for the Learjet to be on standby.”

Excitement flittered through Amy; she’d never flown in a private jet before. Was this what it was going to be like dating Adam? If, indeed, that’s what they were doing.

Adam drew up a couple of leather chairs from the side of Dylan’s office and plunked them in front of his brother’s desk. “Sit down, hun.”

Amy set her face to professional, but she couldn’t help leaping internally from the fact that he’d just called her an endearing term in front of Dylan. But she knew the brothers were close, so maybe Dylan already knew what had been going on these last few days. Not that Adam seemed like the bragging type.

They sat down and Adam rubbed his eyes wearily, trying to find the best way to bring his brother up to speed.

Dylan frowned. “Something’s happened?”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024