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The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1)

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Frank shrugged. “Well, it looks like I have no choice. Have your people send the contracts over.”

Adam opened his laptop case and pulled out the paperwork. “I’ve got them right here. Let’s do business.”

Once the contracts had been signed, Amy and Adam decided to leave, because they were both still feeling jetlagged. Amy knew they needed to return to New York as soon as possible to prepare for her meeting with Tariq, but as they strolled back through the open-plan part of the office, they chatted about how nice it would be to spend the weekend in London, chilling out in bed and walking in Hyde Park.

Amy was thrilled that Adam wanted her to relocate to America to be with him, but she was reluctant to completely believe it yet. They hadn’t even known each other a week, and she knew this fairy tale could end badly. But at least she had a six-month guarantee before it was time to find a new job. Or possibly she could take some time out, as he’d suggested. But whatever the future held, Amy currently felt strong, independent, and in control. It was a feeling she’d never really known with James.

As she strolled with Adam along the Grafton Techs corridor towards the exit, she couldn’t help but stare in through the huge glass window of James’s office. He was behind his desk, head down, working hard. Amy felt she owed him a ‘goodbye and farewell’, but now probably wasn’t the appropriate time.

Adam saw her looking in, and he halted to also inspect James through the glass. Realising he was being stared at, James glanced up and glared at them both, like a dangerous zoo exhibit.

Amy tugged Adam’s arm. “Come on, let’s leave him alone.”

Adam smiled affectionately at her. “No wait, I’ve got an idea. Let’s go talk to him.”

“You won’t upset him will you, Adam?”

“No, no. I’m protective of you, but not cruel. But he can help us. Come on.”

Adam knocked on James’s door, then strolled in without being invited.

“What do you two want?” James growled. “Come to rub my nose in it?”

Adam perched on the edge of James’s desk. Amy loitered just inside the door, not wanting to provoke these two squabbling suitors. She noticed that James’s desk was a complete mess – it was covered in scrunched up bits of paper, discarded old mugs, and empty fast-food containers. How had she never noticed what a slob he was before?

“Did you find somewhere to sleep last night?” Adam asked, sincerely.

“Yes thank you,” James spat.

“Good. Now listen, James, I bear you no animosity – as long as you leave Amy alone.”

“You threatening me?”

Adam held up his hands. “No, not at all. But I need a favour. How would you like to redeem yourself after what you did to her?”

James glanced over and stared quizzically at Amy for a moment. His eyes looked tired behind his thick-rimmed glasses. He frowned in surprise, as if noticing her – really noticing her – for the first time. She wasn’t just boring old Amy anymore, but there was a torch shining out of her – she could feel it, and he could see it. Maybe Frank had been right – perhaps she did look more confident and alive. Perhaps regular orgasms did that to a woman. They made her feel powerful and in control; yet content and peaceful. It was surely a power that could be harnessed by women everywhere – with a little guidance on how to do it.

James darted his eyes back to Adam. “What could I possibly do for you?”

“You’re an IT guy, right?”


“Well, I need some technical assistance.”

“Why should I help you?”

Adam smirked in that cheeky way of his. “Okay, I won’t mention the fact that I’m now your boss. Like I say, here’s your chance to make amends for what you did to Amy. I know you care about her. You can help her.”

“What could I do?”

“I can’t explain all the details right now, but do you know how to set up a hidden camera and mic, so we can listen to a conversation from a distance?”


“Good. And you can track the location of the mic? So we know where the person is at all times?”

“Yeah, should be easy enough – the technology’s definitely available. But – just to let you know – the radio transmission of the mic would be lost if the person went on the subway or anywhere out of range. But as long as they stay in range and above ground – it’s actually pretty easy. You could monitor it on a laptop.”

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