The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 48

“Sounds great – we’ll be above ground, so no problem. Can you do it now, please, before we leave for the weekend?”

“I do have work to do, you know.”

“Sure, I get that. And I admire your commitment to your job. But this is to help Amy. As well as possibly furthering peace-on-earth and the progress of humanity.”

James snorted. “You Americans are so bloody melodramatic. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, James. Amy, we’ll attach the mic and camera to you when you meet with Tariq. That way, I can be doubly sure nothing will happen to you.”

Amy grinned. “That’s a great idea. Okay, James, here’s your chance to redeem yourself after doing the dirty on me.”

James gazed at her. “Amy, just… look, I know he’s handsome, wealthy, and charismatic, but what is it you like about him more than me?”

Amy laughed in shock. She stepped further inside and stood in front of his desk. “Well, for a start, I didn’t find him screwing his assistant.”

“And you never will,” Adam said. “Cheating’s one thing that makes my blood boil.”

James rolled his eyes. “Listen to Mr Sanctimonious, as he comes over here and drags our company out from under our feet.”

Adam opened his mouth to defend himself, but Amy got in there first.

“But, the thing is, James… well, when you were screwing your assistant, I wonder – did you ever take a moment to consider what it was like for her?”

James frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, did she enjoy it?”

He shrugged. “I guess so. I don’t really know.”

“Well, maybe that’s your answer. Adam makes me feel special. And not only because he cares enough to help me orgasm, but –”

James gasped. “But you told me you couldn’t orgasm.”

“And you never bothered to try to prove me wrong, did you? To make an effort for me? And you were like that in our entire relationship. You didn’t care enough about me to find out what makes me happy – in fact, you couldn’t even be bothered to pick your socks up off the bathroom floor, even though you knew it annoyed me. It’s not that you’re selfish. You just didn’t seem worried about my happiness. But it’s caring about each other’s happiness that makes a relationship work. I realise that now.”

James gazed at her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

She smiled. “It’s alright. We live and we learn. Nothing’s ever wasted.”

Adam grinned at her, and she laughed, feeling the constraints of the past drop away, and the future up ahead sparkle with optimism.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The weekend passed in a blur of joy – Amy was proud to show Adam the glorious springtime parks in London, her favourite cafés, and more of herself than she had done with any other man before, physically and mentally. The sex continued to be mind-blowing, and the conversations between them had bonded her to Adam in ways that she never knew possible. Being with Adam was as natural as breathing; Amy was so comfortable with him that there was a seamless transition from laughing in sex shops, to sharing painful stories about their childhoods. But, of course, reality crept swiftly around the corner of Amy’s happy little bubble, and Sunday night arrived. The flight back to New York on Adam’s jet was as fun as the journey to London, and once they arrived, he invited her to stay at his place until she was able to sort out her own Manhattan pad – to be paid for by Quinlan Brothers, of course. Amy would be working for them now.

Adam’s apartment took Amy’s breath away. Luxury was an understatement. It took up the entire floor of an exclusive skyscraper – which was home to some of the richest people in the City. With its twenty-four-hour concierge and massive gym in the basement, the entire building reeked of money, but Adam’s place was relaxed and unpretentious, – rather like the man himself. The immaculate living room was like a hotel suite, with huge couches, and a breathtaking view over Manhattan, and the white walls were hung with colourful modern art that made the place feel fun. When they’d first arrived here, Amy had thoroughly enjoyed riding Adam on the massive soft rug in the centre of the room – before he’d carried her off to the bedroom, to roll around on his satin sheets for more fantastic lovemaking.

But today the atmosphere was tense and serious. Amy sat in the living room, dressed in her pencil skirt, suit jacket, and heels, mentally preparing herself to meet Tariq Shard once again. The door-buzzer sounded, so Adam went off to answer it, then he led Dylan though to sit down with them.

Amy was delighted when Adam sat next to her on the couch and held her hand. This private show of affection in front of his brother spoke volumes, making Amy feel proud and accepted.

Dylan sat opposite them, looking tired and weary. “Hey, Amy, nice weekend? How was London?”

“Good, thanks. It was great to show Adam around.”

Adam threw her a cheeky grin, but refrained from making any sexual innuendos. There was enough tension between ‘the new girlfriend’ and ‘the gruff brother’ without Adam needing to complicate things with a flirty joke.

“So are you ready to meet our nemesis?” Dylan asked.

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024