The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 56

“Wait a minute,” Adam said. “The funeral. Who the hell did we bury?”

“A weighted coffin,” Ivan said. “The FBI helped us with that. We didn’t tell them the truth about the perpetual motion device, because we knew the government would want a piece of it, but we told them enough to convince them to help.”

Dylan gazed at Ivan. “Will you ever be able to see mom and dad again?”

“I hope so one day. But not for a while. I think I’ll go to Europe. Change my name. Maybe come back in a few years, and be like ‘surprise!’”

Tariq chuckled. Adam and Dylan stared at him aghast, trying to take it all in.

“So didn’t the Saudis think to come looking here, Tariq?” Amy asked.

“Yeah, they ransacked the place while I was in jail a few times. Ivan managed to get out the window and hide until they were gone, thank god. I guess once they left empty-handed those times, they stopped coming. But we know they’ll be back again. That’s why we need to destroy the blueprints and the prototype as soon as we can.”

“I’ll need to lie low,” Ivan said. “Just until the Saudis are totally out of the picture.”

“Yeah,” Tariq said. “And I’m planning to fake my suicide after we’ve destroyed our work. And then all traces of it and us will be gone. Our loved ones will be safe.”

Amy shook her head. “But surely humanity needs this machine. Think of the freedom it would give us from fossil fuels. Climate damage would stop and the planet could recover. Perhaps it could eliminate hunger and poverty.”

Ivan spoke in a calm voice. “Yes, Ms Carter, Tariq and I have discussed this many times. But what if it gets into the wrong hands – which it inevitably will? Think of all the damage it would do to our world. To our freedom.”

Dylan ran his fingers through his brown curls. “This is too fucked up. Why the hell didn’t you contact me? We’re brothers, aren’t we?”

“I could hardly walk into your office, could I? Not unless you wanted an entourage of AK47-weilding oil barons in there, too.”

Dylan nodded gently, unable to reply. The conversation petered out and they all stared at each other, unsure of what to say next.

Adam gasped, as if he’d realised something. He gazed affectionately at Amy. “So I guess we didn’t need to buy Grafton Techs after all, huh?”

Ivan shrugged. “To be honest it could be a nice little side-line. It’s a lucrative business. I’d still buy it if I were you.”

“The contracts have gone through now anyway,” Amy said. “So you can’t back out.”

Ivan stood up and stretched, then he drifted over towards Amy, smiling that charming smile of the Quinlan clan. “By the way, I don’t believe we’ve been officially introduced, Ms Carter.”

Amy chuckled. “Nice to meet you, Ivan. I’m glad you’re alive!”

Ivan laughed. “Me too.”

Adam kissed her on the forehead. “Ivan, this is the woman who’s stolen my heart. I’m a changed man. Totally.”

Ivan grinned. “Damn, I must’ve been hiding out in Tariq’s basement longer than I realised. Is this still the same Adam I know and love?”

Dylan rolled his eyes. “It’s the same Adam you know, in love,”

Ivan threw Adam a doting smile. “I’m happy for you, kiddo, seriously.”

“Thanks, me too!” Adam chuckled wearily. “I honestly can’t believe this is real. I’ve found an amazing woman and my deceased big brother all in the same week.”

Dylan shook his head wearily. “We should’ve realised something was up, you know. Ivan and Tariq were always cooking up schemes together as kids.”

Tariq and Ivan shared an affectionate smile. Amy could see they’d been through a lot together recently, which had cemented their childhood friendship even further.

Tariq fell serious. “We need to destroy the blueprints and prototype as soon as possible. Under the cover of night. Until then, would anyone like some tea?”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Amy was exhausted after today’s dramas, so Tariq invited her to lie down in the guest room while the brothers continued their reunion. She was delighted when Adam slipped out with her and they were soon kissing on the iron-framed bed – all trace of tiredness forgotten.

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024