The Billionaire's Kisses (Tycoon Billionaires 1) - Page 60

“Bullshit – I know I won’t.”

“Alright. Let’s say ten grand?”

“Fine. Ten grand says I won’t meet a woman who can turn me onto love. It’s not gonna happen Adam – I can tell you that now.”

“We’ll see,” Adam said. He smirked at Amy. “Now, come on, let’s make sure this stuff’s destroyed and get home. I need to show the love of my life just how much she means to me!”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

A tranquil feeling of glorious contentment glowed softly in Amy’s heart. The breeze gently caressed her hair as she reclined in the deckchair in the Monaco sunshine, gazing peacefully at the blue sky, green fields, and sun-soaked beach ahead. Adam’s idea to spend ten blissful days at the family’s French seaside chateau had given her the chance to relax and bond with her beloved. It was perfect right here, right now, in this lush, secluded garden overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

The last few months had been wonderful, but manic. Amy had moved into her Manhattan apartment and she was enjoying working at Quinlan Bros, heading up the Grafton Techs merger from there. And Dylan was firmly in control of things in London. He seemed to be having a blast, spending his free-time wooing British ladies and honing his playboy reputation. Amy had asked him several times whether any of them had caught his attention beyond being glamorous one-night-stands, but the answer was always ‘not in a million years’. It didn’t look as if Adam would win his bet. But there was still plenty of time for love to strike Dylan’s heart. Stranger things had happened…

The sound of soothing birdsong pulled Amy out of her thoughts, and she dabbed a few brushstrokes onto her painting of the vista ahead. It was good to be doing art again. Adam had arranged for the easel, canvases, and high-quality oils to be waiting for her when they’d arrived, which was so romantic. Amy grinned and blushed. Adam had spent a few hours yesterday painting her body with chocolate sauce, then licking it off. And then obviously they’d needed to shower afterwards…

She tensed and tried not to jump as she realised there was someone standing right behind her.

“Looking good,” Adam said.

Amy relaxed, feeling love whirl within. “Thanks, I’m having trouble getting the sea the right colour, but I should get there.”

Adam rested his hands on her shoulders and eased down the straps of her floaty summer dress. Arousal zoomed at his touch.

He lowered his face to nibble her neck. “I wasn’t talking about the painting. It’s good, though. My girlfriend’s a talented artist as well as incredibly hot.”

She turned her head and gazed up into his eyes. “Thank you, my love.”

He stepped around to stand by her side, and they shared a smile.

“Did you get the cakes?” she asked.

“Cakes? Shit, I knew there was something... I wonder… will this do instead?”


Adam grinned down at her, then he suddenly dropped to his knees. Amy frowned. What the hell was he doing now? She watched with delight as he pulled out a velvet-covered jewellery box. Oh my god, was he about to…? Surely not! Amy tried to suppress her swirling excitement. Yes he was!

Adam smiled into her eyes and opened the box. It contained an expensive-looking ring set with a huge diamond. She dragged her gaze away from it and stared at him, stunned. Her mind floated with glee.

She let out a childlike giggle. “Oh my god, Adam!”

He took a-hold of her hand. “Amy, I love you. I know it’s only been a couple of months, but I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Will you marry me?”

Amy bit her lip to stifle her tears. “Of course! Yes, of course!”

He threw his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly. She laughed and sunk into his strong chest, unable to believe this was real.

“Adam, this is wonderful! I’m honoured and touched!”

Amy expected him to say something smutty about being touched later, but actually, his expression was serious and full of tenderness. “I’m so lucky, Amy Carter. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“You’re so romantic. I can’t believe this.”

/> He gripped her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. “You bring out the best in me.”

Amy studied the sparkling ring for a moment, then her gaze drifted over to the picnic blanket where they’d had lunch a couple of hours ago. They’d both been too full to make love earlier, but now they had something to celebrate.

She kissed him tenderly, then more passionately. “Why don’t you remind me why I love you so much?”

Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024