The Billionaire's Revenge (Tycoon Billionaires 3) - Page 4

Matthew strode over to Eleanor and handed her a piece of paper. “These are the people I need you to contact for the band’s promotional slots this week. And after that I want you to liaise with Joseph’s media-relations officer and arrange a press conference to give updates on the new album. And then…”

As Matthew continued to give Eleanor the list of tasks, Joseph watched her become increasingly annoyed. She was his fiancée, not his personal assistant. She had her own shit to deal with – she’d been working as a freelance journalist ever since she’d graduated last year. But Matthew treated her as if she existed only to make his life easier.

“Alright?” Matthew asked, as Eleanor glared at him.

“Sure,” she said through gritted teeth. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Matthew grabbed the newspaper out of Eleanor’s hands. “And what the hell is this, Joseph? I’ve had your publicist on the phone all morning, trying to determine who these two women are – I presume you spent the night with them? What did I say about being careful? If you need tips on how to be discreet when you’re screwing around with other women, just ask me for –”

Matthew swallowed his sentence abruptly and the atmosphere in the room became as chilly as the freezing street outside. Joseph glanced at Eleanor who was shooting her fiancé deadly lasers from her blue eyes. So, Matthew was cheating on her, was he? And it sounded as if it was with more than one woman. Joseph’s heart surged with affectionate compassion for her – as well as with a desire to rip off Matthew’s balls for hurting her. How could any sane man screw around behind her back? She was perfect.

Out of respect for her dignity, Joseph quickly put the attention back on himself. “Matthew, I don’t need your tips, thanks. I spent the night with my sister and my cousin.”

Matthew sneered. “Sister and Cousin? That’s disgusting.”

“What? We weren’t… Jesus – what kind of person do you think I am?”

“I think you’re the sort of person who needs to grow up and learn some manners. You need to start taking your career seriously, and you need to start answering journalists’ questions sensibly.”

He grinned. “They think I’m charming.”

“They think you’re rude. In fact one of them – the one whose nose you broke – he thinks you’re a thug, and he’s still contemplating legal action. You’re lucky to have me here to pick up the pieces.”

“Thank you, my saviour.”

“This isn’t funny, Joseph. The record company owns your image rights. I gave you a script which you’re not supposed to deviate from – why can’t you play ball with me? Haven’t I given you everything? Fame, wealth, adoration by millions? You can have anything you want. Now it’s time to give me something back.”

“I can’t have everything – not the one thing I want. At least, not yet.”

Matthew folded his arms across his chest making his designer suit crumple. “And what would that be?”

He glanced at Eleanor who looked away, so he stared into Matthew’s eyes instead. “World peace would be nice, don’t you think?”

Matthew huffed. “Well, if you want world peace I suggest you start showing up on time. Now listen, I’ve decided that Eleanor is going to be your official interviewer from now on. That way anything you say will go through me first.”

Joseph glanced at Eleanor, and saw that she looked ready to kill Matthew. She was adorable when she was fuming, but Joseph thought he’d better not tell her. Those four-inch stilettos looked dangerous to a man.

“Matthew,” she hissed. “When you said you had a job opportunity for me, I was under the impression you meant a proper job – not hiking around after this jumped-up pop star.”

Joseph laughed. “Thanks, sweetheart.”

Matthew draped his arm around Eleanor’s shoulders and shot her a sickly smile. Joseph was sure she flinched.

“I do have a proper job lined up for you, pumpkin. We’re off to see Blair Robertson right now.”

Her face lit up. “The owner of News Scape?”

“Yep, my boss will soon be your boss. I promised I’d get you in there – I know this is your dream. And I’m all about making your dreams come true, my darling. And because you’re so special, you’re not being seen by one of Mr Robertson’s subordinates, oh no. When Matthew Wright promises the best, you get the best. You’re going to be interviewed by the most powerful media man in the business. But – in return – I need you to do some quality interviews with the band.” He cast an irritated eye at Joseph. “God knows their reputation needs it.”

Eleanor seemed genuinely stunned. “Thank you,” she stuttered. “This is awesome.”

“No problem. I always knew taking a job with Robertson’s record company would be good for us both. Soon we’ll be one happy family, so we must all do our best to show Mr Robertson our appreciation. Because if daddy’s happy, then we’ll all be happy, okay?”

Joseph gazed blankly at Matthew. “Did you just suggest that Blair Robertson is our father? Because let me tell you, his blood isn’t even the same temperature as m–”

“Shut it, Joseph. I want you to meet Robertson t


Tags: Julie Farrell Tycoon Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024