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Pure Love

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Your whole life can change in a split second. I knew that. I’ve seen it happen to other people around me. I thought I even understood it. But nothing ever prepares you for when it happens to you. I certainly didn’t think today would be that day. I guess no one ever does.

My adrenaline was already pounding through my body when I received a call from my brother, Kane, telling me that he needed me to help him out. He didn’t say much, just spouted off an address before ending the call.

Without a second thought, I was on the move and heading to the location, abandoning the coffee that had just been placed in front of me at the diner. I left Kelly behind in the process with a mumbled I have to go. I’m not sure she fully caught it, honestly.

Within seconds, I was in my SUV and booking it toward the address he gave me. I pulled my gun out from my glove box to save time. I already have one strapped to my side at all times, my jacket covering it, but I wasn't sure what I was walking into.

It’s that way a lot when you are in this line of work. Though mine isn’t as straight and clean as my brother’s. He’s been a cop for almost a decade, but we’ve always worked at Hart Bonds together. It is, after all, a family business. One that our dad started when he retired from law enforcement. But just like my brother, I have a second profession that’s not as evident as this one. Oh, it’s still for Uncle Sam, but a bit more off the books. That’s how I prefer it. Them too.

That’s where my brother and I differ. He’s always been a black-and-white kind of man. Or he had been until a tiny little pink-haired pixie, Addilyn, who belonged to a motorcycle club came fluttering into his life. Since then, things haven’t been so black and white for him. She brought out a side of him no one even knew existed.

The closer I drew to the address Kane gave me, the more I knew whatever he called me for was about Addilyn. I was right. I no sooner pulled up and the sound of gunfire filled the air, setting me into motion.

Thankfully, everyone was okay. Well, everyone I cared about at least. My clean-cut brother, however, had put a bullet into Flex Kilduff’s head. He didn’t have to tell me who the dead man was on the floor. I knew who he was the second I saw his face.

As we stood outside waiting for the police to show up, I still felt a sense of uneasiness. Something didn’t seem right, and when I get a gut feeling, I’m usually never wrong. As the sirens grew closer, I noticed a sleek white BMW parked outside the rundown apartment complex.

The fucking thing was shaking. Without thinking, I jogged back into the apartment, pulling the keys off the dead fucker on the floor. I wish I could say I felt an ounce of sympathy for that asshole, but I didn’t. I knew the world was a better place without him in it. A safer one too.

A sick feeling began rising in my stomach. I was pretty sure I knew what I was going to find in the trunk of Flex Kilduff’s car. The man was wanted in connection with human trafficking. At least if the thing was moving, that meant someone was alive inside.

How my brother and his woman got mixed up with him, I have no fucking clue. My mind at that point was only on one thing: opening the damn trunk. As soon as I clicked the button and it popped up, I knew this was it. That moment had come for me in life.

Time froze. My whole world shifted.

The brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen lock with mine. Sheer terror is etched on the beautiful girl’s face staring back at me. A mane of gold, almost white, locks surround her heart-shaped face. Her tiny button nose reminds me of a snow bunny.

She has the most breathtaking face I’ve ever seen in my life. I didn’t know something could actually steal my breath the way she has. Hell, I’ve seen a lot of shit in my time with the work I’ve done. Never once has any of it taken my breath away. Until now. Until her.

A whimper sounds from behind the tape that’s over her mouth. I slowly reach for her, trying not to make any sudden moves. I’m sure she’s terrified enough. She stills, but to my surprise she doesn’t flinch away from me.

“Going to take the tape from your mouth.” I let her know exactly what I’m doing so there are no surprises. “You’re safe now. That fucker who put you in here is dead.” Her eyes widen at my words. I figured it was better to let her know that the monster who had put her in the trunk was no longer breathing air into his lungs.

Damn, lucky for him because I want to go back into that apartment and put a few more bullets into him.

Slowly, I pull the tape from her mouth as gently as I can, realizing that plump, pink, suckable lips lie behind it. As soon as the thought hits my brain, I want to punch myself. So not the fucking time, but I can’t help my damn thoughts.

What does help temper them is the red, angry outline the tape leaves on her creamy skin. Any man who would do this to someone deserves to be six feet under. I take some solace in the fact that’s exactly where Flex Kilduff is headed.

Thank you, she mouths.

Her words are almost too soft to actually hear. Suddenly she recoils, a whimper leaving her. Her eyes are trained over my shoulder. Without a thought, I spin around, my hands wrapping around my brother's throat as I start to sweep his legs out from under him.

“It’s me!” Kane grips my shoulders. I’m sure his action is pure reflex, ready to take me down to the ground with him, but I catch myself. Barely.

“Sorry,” I mutter, letting him go to turn my focus back to my tiny snow bunny. “He’s fine. It’s my brother.” I can understand her fear. Kane is a giant fucker. Not that I’m much smaller. I’m not sure why she's not as scared of me as she is of him, but I don’t care. I’ll take it.

She gives a small nod. Her eyes flick to the side again. I glance over to see Pink standing there.

“Oh my God!” she gasps. “We need an ambulance!” she shouts as the police start to pull up.

“Going to pull my knife out to cut your hands and feet free,” I tell her. She nods for me. I reach down into my shoe and pull out the knife I always keep hidden there.

“You’re going to be okay, honey,” Pink tells her as I cut the ropes free.

My eyes rake over her, trying to see if there’s anything that needs immediate medical attention. I mainly spot bruises from where the ropes have been. There’s also one along her jaw and a crack in her lip. She’s wearing a white dress that is covered in dirt and smudges. There are a few small rips here and there.

I brush my fingers back and forth over her wrists after the ropes fall free, needing to comfort her in some way. The urge to do so is overwhelming. Never in my life have I felt more protective over someone than I do with her at this moment. That’s saying a lot since I grew up protecting my little sister, Ollie.

“Going to lift you out.” I release her wrists.

Again, she surprises me by lifting her arms to help me pull her out from the trunk. She wraps them around my neck, burying her face in it as I cradle her in my arms. She feels right there, but she also feels too damn light.

EMTs run toward us with a stretcher in tow. Kane has already shifted into police officer mode. Everyone recognizes him.

“Place her here,” the EMT with the red ponytail tells me, tapping the stretcher mattress with her hand. My snow bunny’s hold tightens on me.

“Don’t leave me,” she whispers.

“Not going to leave you,” I say loudly for everyone to hear. I’m not sure they heard her request. She lifts her head.


“Promise,” I vow to her.

Sealing both our fates.

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