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Pure Love

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10 Years Later

“Get out here and show me,” Pink demands from outside of the dressing room.

I turn to see my booty in the mirror. It’s gotten a bit bigger over the last decade with the help of two pregnancies and a million and one family dinners and barbecues. With the size of our giant family, there is always a reason to celebrate something.

It’s crazy to me to think about how big my family actually is. I’d gone from a kid all alone in the world to having more nieces and nephews than I can count. Pink and Kane waited after they had their first, Violet. Pink wanted to finish college before they had more, but the second she was done with college, she was popping them out.

Ollie and Vee have a herd of children too. There are so many of us. It’s a dream. No one could get lonely around here even if they wanted to. Especially with all of us living so close together. My Benny and I managed to beat everyone in the kid department, though.

Our first, Hazel, came fast. She was a few weeks early. Oddly, Pink’s daughter Violet hadn’t wanted to come out and came weeks later. We ended up going into labor on the same freaking day. Ben and Kane weren't shocked. They’re convinced we do everything together. I’m convinced Violet was waiting on Hazel. Those two girls are as close as Pink and I are. They might as well be sisters.

Pink might have waited while she did her college thing, but Benny and I didn’t. I knew I wanted a big family. It wasn’t long before I was pregnant again. It was the twins that time. I was kind of happy Pink waited. I needed all the hands I could get with my wild boys.

I’d never gone on birth control, but for some reason after the twins, we struggled to get pregnant. I thought at first it was because I was still breastfeeding, but that hadn’t stopped me from getting knocked up with the twins. I’d been so busy with my three, I hadn’t given it much thought. After a few years and no more pregnancies, I’d gone to the doctor. They couldn’t give me a solid reason why I wasn’t getting pregnant again.

I figured it out on my own, though. Even though fate brought me to Benny, I didn’t really buy into it. Then one afternoon when Benny and Kane were out picking up a skip for Hart Bonds, the universe brought us two little ones that had been abandoned in the house that Benny and Kane had gone to. The boy was barely four and was holding on to his baby sister, who was a month shy of a year.

When Benny called and told me what they’d stumbled upon, I rushed over to the house. Everyone in the family says I’m the baby whisperer. If one of them is upset, you put them in my arms, and in seconds, they'll be as happy as could be. Not going to lie, I love this superpower of mine. It has made me very close with all my nieces and nephews.

The second I saw those two little ones in that dilapidated house, I knew they’d be ours. I coaxed the little boy out of the closet. He sat down in my lap and let me take his sister into my arms. Then he went and told me his name—Benjamin. I mean, what are the chances? My Benny smiled and asked what his sister’s name was. Fate. Benny’s eyes locked with mine, and he knew too. They were always meant to be ours.

We quickly found out their mom had died of a drug overdose and the father was the man Benny and Kane were looking for. He signed over his rights, and they became legally ours.

“Hello? I’m waiting!” Pink shouts from the other side of the curtain.

“I don’t know. It’s kind of tight. Are you sure you got the right size?” Pink pokes her head in. Her eyes roam up and down me.

“What?” I’m standing here in a pair of silk white panties and a bra. I thought for our ten-year wedding anniversary I’d get something new. Ben is taking me out tonight, and we’ve got a sitter. Pink and I got up early and spent the day at the spa. I got my hair and makeup done after a massage. I was disappointed Vee and Ollie couldn’t come, but their kids had a soccer game.

“I got you the right size. Your tits have grown.”

“They have not.” I look down at my boobs. They are practically spilling out the top.

“This ass is bigger too.” She smacks my bottom, making me jump.

“You're a brat!” I hiss but smile at the same time.

“And I think you’re pregnant.” Her words smack me right in the face. “When was the last time you had a period?”

“I—” I think. I don’t keep track anymore. I just thought I couldn’t get pregnant anymore. “Oh my gosh. Pink, it's been a while.”

“Get dressed, keep that shit on. You might be spilling out of it, but it’s hot, and Ben will thank you later.” She shuts the curtain. I quickly get dressed while she pays for the clothes. In record time she’s got me in a pharmacy and peeing on a stick. I didn’t want to go home and do it.

Benny and I haven’t talked about more kids. We’d always said fate would do its thing. The test doesn’t need much time to give me an answer. In seconds it reads positive.

“Oh my gosh. I have to get home,” I tell her.

“I know, we’re late.”

“Late?” I ask, getting back into the car.

“Yeah, late. Put this on.” She hands me a blindfold.


“Surprise time,” she sing-songs. “Put it on, prego.”

“I’m pregnant.” I smile. I’m about to burst with excitement as I put on the blindfold. What is my husband up to? I can’t wait to tell him the news. Ten minutes later, I feel the car come to a stop. My door opens, and my seatbelt is unclicked. I can smell Benny and know it’s him.

He takes my hands, helping me from the car. “What’s going on?” I ask as he guides me around. His hands are still holding mine.

“Ten years ago, you made me the happiest man alive,” Benny says. “We got married at the courthouse. You said you didn’t want anything big, but I know you, Bunny. You didn’t want to make a fuss as you’d call it, and everyone was so new to you. While you were family even then, I don’t think my shy girl understood what you meant to everyone. But today you're going to find out. I’m going to give you the wedding every girl should have. In front of her family and everyone she loves.” He lifts the mask from my eyes.

I gasp, seeing everyone here. Tears are already streaming down my face. There is not only family but our friends too. Our backyard is filled with everyone we love. I didn’t think it was possible to love my husband any more than I already do. But at this moment, my heart is so full, it’s about to burst.

“How did you do all this?” I ask. Our backyard has been turned into a fairy-tale wedding. Benny is in a tux, looking as handsome as ever.

“We did it, Mommy!” Fate squeals, jumping up and down, flowers falling out of her little basket.

“You all look so pretty and handsome,” I tell my babies. I look around until I find Vee and Ollie and mouth Thank you to them. I have no doubt there was no soccer game and they’ve been here all morning and afternoon getting this together.

“Are you ready to marry me again?”

“Always.” I look down at myself.

“Got your dress up in our room.”

“Will you help me get into it?” I ask.

“I’ll try.” Warmth hits my cheeks as he gives me a heated look. “We’ll be back,” Ben shouts to the crowd. Everyone cheers. There’s a few hoots and hollers in there too.

“Snow.” My father-in-law, Dave, slips out from a few of the grandkids hanging on him. I started calling him Dad years back. All of us girls do. “Can I walk you down the aisle?”

“Of course, you can, Dad.” I let go of Benny’s hand to give him a hug.

“I’ll meet you at the back door.”

“Give us twenty, Dad,” Benny tells him.

“Benny!” I hiss, smacking his chest. My face starts to warm even more.

“They’re fine. There is food and music.” He scoops me up into his arms, carrying me into the house and straight to our bedroom.

“I can’t believe you did all this.” He locks the bedroom door. I see the wedding dress hanging on the closet door. I’m not really shocked they pulled this off. Not with as many of us as there are. So many people to lend a hand. “No.” I shake my head. “I can believe you did all this.”

Benny clears the space between us. “I’d marry you every day if you let me.”

“Wedding cake every day. Our girls would love that.” I laugh.

“You look beautiful.” He runs his nose along my neck.

“I didn’t ruin my makeup by crying already?” He lifts his head.

“No, you’re glowing.”

“Really. Interesting thing about that is there’s a reason for it. I’m pregnant.” He stands there shocked. It’s not often I can surprise him. I pull the zipper on my sundress and let it fall to the floor, revealing my new lingerie. “We’re down to fifteen minutes,” I remind him.

He pounces. I let out a laugh as we both land on the bed together.

Ben Hart not only saved my life, he gave me one that I’d never imagined in my wildest dreams I could have.

* * *

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