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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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Yes, that must be true, Iyanna decided sleepily. She’d had a momentary hallucination brought on by the strength of her own body’s response to the pleasure blooms. It was no big deal and she needed to wind down and rest.

She climbed up onto the thick mattress and made her way to the middle, feeling like a lone sailor in the middle of a vast ship. As she got comfortable on the springy bed, she looked up at the glow blossoms hanging above her. They were beautiful—like a constellation of multicolored stars above her—but too bright to sleep under. There was one hanging especially low—it was close enough for Iyanna to reach up and touch it, which she did, with one finger.

“Hey,” she murmured sleepily. “You guys are gorgeous, but you’re just too bright. Do you think you could turn yourselves down or something so I could get some rest?”

To her surprise, the flower she had touched shivered and then the glow from the blossoms above her began to dim. Soon it was almost completely dark in the room, with just the faintest glimmer of light from the hanging blooms. They looked like silver pinpricks or maybe twinkling stars when they were done.

“Thanks,” Iyanna told them. It must be that they responded to voice or touch command, she thought. Rolling over on the enormous mattress, she pressed her face to a cushy pillow made of the same tiny vines and blossoms as the mattress, and breathed in its faintly floral scent—like the whisper of flowers and fresh cut grass, she thought. It was wild and sweet, with a hint of alien spice. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and drifted off—it had been a long day and it was time to get some sleep.

She had no idea what surprises the next day held for her, or that the owner of the mysterious yellow eyes she had seen at the moment of orgasm was no figment of her imagination.

He was very, very real.


Dra’vik opened his eyes in the endless blackness of the Dark Side of the ship and stared at the woven vine ceiling of his living quarters. What in the Seven Frozen Hells had that been about?

It was the most vivid dream to date—and the most arousing. In it, he had seen the curvy little Elite floating naked in a bathing pool. Her full, ripe breasts with their tight, dark nipples were on display and through the clear water he could see the dark cloud of her neatly trimmed curls and the soft outer lips of her pussy.

Then, to Dra’vik’s surprise, she had spread her legs and welcomed one of the male pleasure blooms between her thighs. He had watched her moan and writhe as the fat blue bud fucked her, sliding in and out of her soft little pussy, which clearly gave her immense pleasure.

Dra’vik had heard of females using the male pleasure blooms the way males used the female ones for release, but he had never seen it before. He found the sight most stimulating—so much so that his heavy shaft grew hard and tense against his flat belly and began to leak slippery precum. Taking himself in hand, he began to stroke in time with the male bud’s stroking in and out of the little female’s pussy. They had gotten closer and closer together and he had known they would soon come as one.

But then, at the moment of orgasm, something happened. Something unexpected and strange.

She sensed me. Or maybe she actually saw me watching her, Dra’vik thought, frowning up into the darkness. At any rate, she had sat bolt upright and began to peel the pleasure blooms’ vines off her body as fast as she could. She was looking around herself nervously, as though wondering if he was still watching her.

As a matter of fact, Dra’vik had been—with great pleasure. Her full curves were gorgeous and completely on display since she was nude. Her long black hair was done in many twisted curls which she had pinned in a kind of bun at the back of her neck and her large, dark eyes were beautiful—if wide and watchful.

He watched as she tried to get the pleasure bloom seed out of herself and frowned at the amount the pods had shot into her. He couldn’t be sure, but wasn’t there some kind of problem associated with leaving the pleasure blooms’ seed inside a humanoid female’s body? His dreaming self couldn’t remember, though he somehow knew—in the way of dreams—that his waking self would have a better grasp of the situation.

And then, damn it all to the Seven Frozen Hells, a burren beast had started snorting and growling outside his bedchamber. The sound had roused him and the dream of the curvy little Elite had faded completely.

Dra’vik had cursed and sat up, his tinga-vine mattress groaning beneath his muscular bulk. Despite his orgasm, his shaft was full and hard, aching from what he’d seen in the forbidden dream. His Bonding Knot throbbed to fill her pussy mouth, tying the two of them together and his Breeding Barb was sharp—ready to inject her at the moment of breeding.

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