Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales) - Page 20

“I’m a Drake Warrior,” he said reluctantly. “There aren’t many of us left and those that are live here on the Dark Side now, where we can’t be seen by humans.”

“Why hide yourselves away?” she asked. “Why don’t you want to be seen?”

“I don’t want to fuck up my brother Monstrum’s chances of calling human brides,” Dra’vik growled, wondering why he was telling her all this. “If you saw me, you humans would know that not all Monstrum are sweet little fuzzballs and kitty cats like the ones who live on the Light Side.”

She made a very unlady like snort.

“I doubt Chief Commander Rarev would enjoy hearing himself called a ‘kitty cat.’ Or a ‘fuzzball’ for that matter.”

“The point is, we’re not all cute and cuddly,” Dra’vik snarled. “Which is why some of us—the more frightening Monstrum—hide ourselves away in the dark. To keep from scaring off the humans.”

“What makes you think we’d be scared of you?” she asked. “You’re sentient people, just like the rest of the Monstrum. You can be reasoned with—you’re not a monster. You didn’t rip my head off and start to eat me when we met—instead, we’re having a conversation.”

“The fact that I didn’t try to eat you isn’t the only thing that would scare humans,” Dra’vik said darkly. “It’s one thing to have a conversation with a monster—it’s another thing entirely to know that same monster could call you as his bride.”

That seemed to set her back for a moment and she didn’t say anything.

“See?” Dra’vik said bitterly. “The very idea has you fuckin’ terrified. As you should be—our size difference alone should scare you, little girl. Let alone the way my equipment would if you saw it.”

“I’m not scared!” she shot back, though he heard her heart rate pick up and saw her licking her lush lips nervously. “I just…wasn’t sure what to say at first, that’s all. But it doesn’t seem fair for you and others like you to be stuck away here in the dark just because you think the humans would be afraid of you.”

“Life isn’t fair,” Dra’vik told her. “Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Like the way you got yourself a case of pleasure poisoning from letting those male pleasure pods fuck you last night, little girl.”

She took a step back, biting her lip.

“What…what do you know about that?” she asked in a low voice.

“I know you’re in pain right now—and deep in sexual need,” Dra’vik growled. “Every touch—every brush—against the places the blooms touched you, sends bolts of pleasure so intense it’s agonizing through your whole body. Am I right?”

“You…you’re right,” she whispered, nodding. “But how—”

“I’m a physician,” Dra’vik told her. “And as well as anatomy, I have an interest in botany. I know how the female humanoid body reacts to the secretions of the male pleasure pod. And as far as I could tell, you got a hell of a lot of their secretions on you and in you last night.”

Her cheeks were stained with a blush again, but once more she lifted her chin.

“All right—so what if I did?” she demanded. “You Monstrum use the pleasure blooms to get off, why shouldn’t I? I refuse to be shamed for doing something that you guys do on a regular basis, so if you think you can make me feel bad because I was giving myself a little self-love—”

Dra’vik barked a surprised laugh. The little female never stopped surprising him! It was clear from her blush and from her scent how embarrassed she was—yet she refused to feel bad for her actions. Once more, against his will, he felt a reluctant sense of admiration. This little female wasn’t afraid of him and refused to be shamed—she was far bolder than he’d imagined she would be as he watched her in his sleep.

“I have to admit, your courage far outstrips your size,” he remarked. “When I was studying your kind, I thought you’d all be frightened weaklings because you’re so tiny.”

“I am not tiny!” she protested. “I’m five foot ten and I’m big-boned—that’s about as far from tiny as you can get.”

“You’re tiny to me, little girl,” Dra’vik pointed out. “By your Earth measurement systems, I’m nine of your feet or three of your meters tall. And that makes you tiny.”

She looked like she wanted to argue some more, but she shifted her feet and he saw her wince—no doubt her soft little pussy was all swollen from the pleasure poisoning and she was in pain.

Dra’vik felt a surprising surge of pity for her—he almost wished he could help her. But there was only one way to do that, and he knew she wouldn’t agree to it.

“Okay, enough with the dick measuring contest,” she told him. “You’re a big son of a bitch—I’ll give you that. But let’s go back to the, uh, pleasure poisoning you were talking about.”

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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