Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales) - Page 22

She shifted and winced again.

“I…I don’t know if I can wait that long,” she admitted in a low voice.

“Then let me help you,” Dra’vik murmured. Slowly, so as not to startle her, he knelt on the soft, spongy moss floor of the forest. In this way, they were almost eye-to-eye. “Let me help you, little girl,” he said again. “I can just do one nipple to start with and you’ll see—the relief will be fucking immediate.”

He could see her biting her lip, trying to decide what she should do—if she ought to trust him or not. After all, she didn’t know him—hadn’t seen him except as a pair of eyes in the forest in the endless darkness. But she was clearly in pain and he wanted to help her.

“You’re a Kindred,” she said at last, as though to reassure herself. “You won’t…won’t hurt me.”

“All female life is sacred to us,” Dra’vik assured her. “I would never hurt a female—not even an annoying one that keeps invading my dreams at night.”

That made her smile a little, her lush, soft lips curving upwards at the corners in a fascinating way.

“All right,” she said at last. “Just…just one nipple though, and then I want to wait and evaluate the results for myself.”

“Agreed,” Dra’vik rumbled. “Open your blouse for me, little girl. Let me taste you.”


“Open your blouse for me, little girl. Let me taste you.”

Iyanna felt her whole body shiver at the strange Monstrum’s words. Spoken in that low, commanding voice, they made her think of all the things she’d been wishing for when she’d tried to get Ian to “broaden his horizons” sexually.

But no—this wasn’t about sex, she told herself sternly. This was about seeing if he was telling the truth—seeing if he really could rid her of the horrible sensitivity that was nearly driving her crazy.

Was she insane, considering this? Considering letting a complete stranger she’d never met before suck her nipples in the dark? Possibly, Iyanna admitted to herself. And if it had been a human male across from her in the pitch blackness, she never would have considered it. But she knew that the Kindred had a code they lived by—they never, ever hurt or sexually assaulted females.

That, she told herself, was the only reason why she was fumbling open the buttons to her red silk blouse and baring her breasts for this total and complete stranger.

“Good, that’s good, little girl,” the strange Monstrum rumbled softly.

Now that he was down on her level—Iyanna assumed he must be kneeling while she herself was still standing—his yellow eyes seemed almost golden. And his deep, rumbling voice was less frightening now that it wasn’t coming from three feet over her head.

“You have beautiful breasts,” he remarked. “Very full and ripe. Come closer—I won’t hurt you. I only want to ease your pain.”

Clenching her hands at her sides, Iyanna obeyed, taking a step towards the burning golden eyes. The eyes dipped downward and she could feel his hot breath on her bare breasts. It made her nipples tighten even more and she gave a little squeak of protest before she could stop herself.

“I haven’t even touched you yet,” the Drake Monstrum pointed out. “But since you can’t see what I’m doing, I’ll explain it. First, I’m going to cup your breast.”

As he spoke, she felt a big—a very big—hand sliding around her side and cupping her right breast. His skin was smooth and very hot, she thought, just as she had when she was touching what she assumed had been his chest in the darkness. At any rate, it had been broad and hard and muscular. It was a good thing she hadn’t been reaching lower—who knew what she might have encountered!

“And now I’m going to lean forward and suck your tight little nipple into my mouth,” the Drake Monstrum told her. “You have to be patient—it might take me a little while to clean the secretions off your flesh completely. You’ll also need to hold still—my teeth are sharp and I wouldn’t want to cut you accidentally,” he added sternly.

Iyanna bit her lip—she wanted to ask exactly how sharp his teeth were but she didn’t dare. The stern note in his voice brooked no questions and besides, it seemed she was committed now.

That stern note in his voice is also turning you on—admit it, Iyanna, whispered a little voice in her head. How often had she tried to get Ian to just try a little domination in the bedroom? Just telling her to hold still while he took her or pinning her wrists above her head—anything at all—but he wouldn’t even try.

Now this strange Monstrum, who she had never seen—though they seemed to have some strange connection through his dreams and her brief vision—was doing a better job of dominating her than Ian ever had. And he wasn’t even trying.

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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