Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales) - Page 26

But was I actually going to let him do that? she wondered as the carpet wole at last pulled into the station and they climbed aboard. Was I really going to lay down on the forest floor and spread my legs and let him taste me like he wanted to?

The thought sent a shiver of pure lust right through her. Would she have gone so far? Would she have laid there in the dark and let a huge Monstrum warrior lap and suck her pussy? There was no way to know now, she admitted to herself. But the very idea made her feel weak in the knees and she was glad when the roller coaster ride back to the main Transport Hub was over and she could disembark from the wole.

“Well now, you have a good night, Missy Eee-yannie,” Stor’kuum told her, as they parted ways. The old satyr had insisted on seeing her safely to the door of her suite, though Iyanna had protested that it really wasn’t necessary.

“Thank you for a lovely day and for the wonderful tour,” she told him, trying to smile. In fact, she was in so much pleasure/pain at the moment it was a wonder she didn’t scream out loud. Her pussy had never felt so wet and swollen in her life—she didn’t know what she was going to do but if she had to stand here smiling and acting polite one more minute, she felt like she was going to lose it!

Thankfully, the old satyr told her good night and stumped away in fairly short order. Feeling relieved, Iyanna let herself into her suite and hobbled to the fresher. Maybe another bath would help—she couldn’t think of anything else to do.

She undressed quickly and slipped into the bathing pool, sighing as the warm, silky water closed over her skin. She tried again to wash the pleasure blooms secretions out of herself, though it didn’t help much. At last, she came to rest on the side of the pool, by the weeping willow-cherry blossom tree. At once, a couple of the male pleasure pods came snaking towards her, but Iyanna flicked them away with her fingers.

“I don’t think so, boys,” she snapped. “You’re how I got into this mess in the first place!”

But the pods were persistent. So persistent, in fact, that she was about to move to another part of the pool when she heard a chiming at the front door of her suite.

“What in the world? Who could that be?” she muttered to herself as she climbed out of the pool and hastily dried off. She hoped it wasn’t Stor’kuum again. He was a very nice old man—old Monstrum, rather—but she really just wanted to be alone.

Wrapping herself in a bathrobe, Iyanna shuffled towards the front door, noting as she did that the bath hadn’t helped her problem one bit. The area between her legs felt like it was on fire with need, yet trying to touch herself there led only to pain due to the extreme sensitivity.

It just keeps on getting worse, she thought to herself. At this rate, I won’t be able to walk at all pretty soon!

The chime sounded again and she called,

“Coming!” and shuffled a little faster.

As she reached the sliding door, a new thought occurred to her. What if her mysterious visitor wasn’t Stor’kuum at all? What if it was the Drake Monstrum she’d met on the Dark Side? What if he had decided to come to her and finish the job?

Oh my Sweet Lord!

The thought made her weak in the knees. If it was him, what should she do? Should she let him in? Lead him to the bedroom and let him go down on her?

Remembering what a thorough job he’d done in sucking her nipples, she shivered, wondering if he would spend as much time between her legs as he had lapping her tender buds.

Iyanna had always wanted to be with a man who knew how to go down and actually wanted to do it. Ian had always made it part of his foreplay, but the few half-hearted licks he gave her never did much to turn her on. He only licked the outside of her pussy for one thing—never spreading her open or teasing her clit. And she couldn’t help remembering the mysterious Drake telling her that he would need to lick her inner folds and put his tongue deep in her “honey well.”

Reaching the sliding door, she opened it a crack and peered out into the hallway. Her heart was pounding and she was more than half expecting to see the huge Drake, so she was surprised and rather disappointed when a leopard spotted Felinis Monstrum appeared instead.

“Uh, yes? How can I help you?” she asked, frowning in confusion at the Leopard warrior.

“I do not require your help, human female,” he purred. “I am only here to deliver a package to you. It was marked as ‘urgent’ so I thought you might need it tonight.”

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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