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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

Page 45

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“Oh, I get it,” he rumbled and then he had pressed a button on the chair which apparently called the attendant.

“Yes? Can I help you, Sir? Is anything wrong with your accommodations?” It was the same flight attendant. She looked at them anxiously with all three eyes waving uncertainly on their rubbery stalks.

“Nothing’s wrong but my, er, cherished wife is cold,” Dra’vik told her. “There’s a draft blowing right on her. Is there any kind of privacy shield on this thing I can use to protect her?” He tapped the armrest of the chair with one long forefinger.

“Of course, Sir! Here, let me unfurl it for you!”

The attendant reached behind the chair and pulled out a folding black screen that hid them from the view of the seat across the aisle. It closed off their own seat, making it seem like they were in their own little universe, Iyanna thought.

“Thank you,” Dra’vik told the attendant.

“Will there be anything else?” she asked, sticking one eyeball around the screen. “We’re about to dim the lights so our passengers can rest until landing.”

“No, this is fine. Thank you,” he said shortly.

“Enjoy your flight,” she said and the lone eyeball disappeared, leaving them alone in the chair. A moment later, the overhead lights dimmed and all that could be seen through the wrap around windows was the endless flood of space and stars, like a black velvet blanket studded with diamonds, Iyanna thought.

It was magical and she normally would have loved the amazing view, but the pain between her legs wouldn’t let her enjoy it. Miserably, she shifted against the big Drake again.

“All right now—enough of that.” Dra’vik’s arm tightened around her waist warningly. “We’re private now—as private as we can get on this damned shuttle, anyway. So tell me—what the fuck is your problem, little girl?”

Iyanna knew she couldn’t hide it anymore. The pleasure/pain was simply getting too intense.

“It…it’s the pleasure poisoning again,” she admitted in a low voice. “It’s driving me crazy!”

“What? But you took care of that with the leaves I sent you,” Dra’vik protested in a low voice. “I fucking saw you do it.”

“Yes, but after I went to sleep, the male pleasure pods in my bed, er, got to me again.” Iyanna felt her cheeks getting hot with a blush as she admitted this. “They must have been doing it all night because when I woke up, I was filled with that clear purple jelly they make—their secretions! And I tried using the leaves you sent me again—I really did! But they were all dried up. I thought for a while they were helping anyway, but not the pleasure poisoning seems to be getting worse again—much worse.”

“How in the Seven Frozen Hells did you get male pleasure pods in your bed?” Dra’vik demanded in her ear.

“I must have planted them there my first night aboard the ship—the first night I let them, you know, penetrate me,” Iyanna admitted. She wanted to be defiant about this—she had every right to please herself however she wanted to. But it was difficult not to feel nervous and agitated while admitting such things when she was so close to the big, stern Drake.

“Planted them?” he asked blankly.

“Yes, you know, when their jelly, er seeds, uh, leaked out of me and into the mattress,” Iyanna muttered. “When I woke up, I had this big-ass bouquet growing right between my legs and most of it was those male pleasure pods. I went to sleep in a different part of the bed the next night, after I used the leaves, but they still got to me.”

All right—I forgot you’re a Viridi Femma,” he growled. “Don’t know any other female that could have helped new pleasure pods to sprout like that. But forget how you planted them, how in the Seven Frozen Hells did they manage to fuck your soft little pussy all night without waking you up?”

“I was really tired—freaking emotionally exhausted after meeting you and dealing with your arrogant ass in the Dark Side,” Iyanna snapped. She was still embarrassed about how easily the male pleasure pods had gotten to her. “Plus I’m a really heavy sleeper so I didn’t realize anything was wrong—I just kept dreaming that a man with long, thick fingers was, er…touching me.”

Iyanna wished she hadn’t told him the last part because it was so much more embarrassing than the fact that the plants had sleep-fucked her in the first place. She half expected him to laugh at her, but instead he made a thoughtful rumbling noise.

“All right, so you’re deep in pleasure poisoning and we’re stuck in this shuttle for three hours. You think you can wait until we get to Lix’dor Prime to take care of the problem?”

“I’m just going to have to, aren’t I?” Iyanna asked miserably, squeezing her thighs together. “It’s not like you have any leaves with you to lick that I could use while no one’s looking. Do you?” she added hopefully.

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