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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

Page 57

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“Nothing here,” Gorn, who was staring at the monitor announced, sounding disappointed.

“No, but we’ve certainly got something here,” Nak said. He was leering at Iyanna’s exposed body, a hungry grin on his face. “Look at this—all her modesty patches have fallen off—looks like she’s nothing but a pleasure slave now.”

“Well, well—looks like you’re right.” Gorn had come around to stare at her as well. “Looks like it’s our lucky day, Nak,” he added, grinning at the other guard. “We get a pleasure slave to use—all for ourselves!”

“Let me go! Let me loose!” Iyanna demanded, glaring at them both and feeling sick inside. “I’m not a pleasure slave—I’m…I’m a cherished wife!”

“I don’t think so, girly—you’ve got no Master or honored husband to speak for you,” Nak sneered. “And we all know that a pleasure slave with no Master is free to any male who wants to use her.”

“What? No!” Iyanna began struggling wildly, yanking at the copper manacles that held her to the Arch. The metal cut into her wrists cruelly but she barely noticed.

“Look at her struggle!” Gorn stared at her in apparent confusion. “What’s your problem, female? Just let Nak and me each have a turn and we’ll let you go.”

“Yeah—it’s not a big deal,” Nak agreed. “Just relax and it’ll be over soon. Unless we both want seconds,” he added and he and Gorn both broke out into trollish laughter.

Iyanna couldn’t believe her ears. Were they crazy? Was rape really so common here that they expected her to just hold still and let them do anything they wanted to her?

Hell, no! That wasn’t how this scenario was going down, she told herself grimly. If they tried to hurt her, she was going to hurt them back as much as she could.

When Nak came for her, reaching to grab her breasts, she fisted her hands tight inside the copper manacles. Putting all her weight on her bound wrists, she jumped up and kicked out with both feet.

One foot hit the surprised guard in the solar plexus—but the other got him in the crotch. Just as Iyanna had hoped, this was apparently where Lix’dorian males kept their reproductive equipment and it was just as sensitive as male anatomy back on Earth.

“Ooof! Ugh!” Nak gasped, clutching his stomach with one hand and his crotch with the other. “My rounders!” he moaned, curling into a ball and rocking from side to side. “Feels like she pulverized all three of them!”

Three, huh? Sounds like they’ve got an extra target, Iyanna thought grimly. She was dimly aware that her wrists were burning—possibly bleeding from the weight she’d put on them and the copper manacles chafing her skin due to her acrobatics—but she didn’t give a damn. It was totally worth it to put that bastard, Nak, on the floor!

Gorn was giving her an ugly look.

“You know what you’ve just done, girly?” he demanded, glaring at her.

“Hell, yes I know—I put your friend out of commission. He’ll be lucky if he can ever use his baby makers ever again!” Iyanna snapped. “You want more of the same, just come on and try me! I’ll make you sorry you were ever born!”

“No, you little cunt,” the Lix’dorian guard snarled. “What you’ve done is just earned yourself a lifelong prison sentence—not that you’ll last that long. They throw the females who hurt males in with the male inmates—the ones who haven’t had a pussy for a long, long time.”

“You’re lying!” Iyanna exclaimed. “You can’t put me in prison just for self defense!”

“There’s no such thing as ‘self defense’ for a female—she’s supposed to submit when a male decides he wants her!” Gorn snapped. “I’m going to turn you over to the authorities, you little cunt,” His snarl turned into an angry leer. “But not until I’m done with you!”

Iyanna was all ready to kick again, but instead of coming at her from the front, as Nak had done, Gorn circled around to the back so that he was standing behind her.

“Hey, what are you doing? Get away from there!” Iyanna exclaimed. She felt much more vulnerable now that she couldn’t see what the guard was doing.

And then he reached around her and grabbed her right breast.

“Hey! Get your hands off me, asshole!”

She tried to kick backwards but Gorn caught her foot and held it up, putting her off balance as he continued to roughly fondle her right breast.

“You like that, girly?” he snarled in her ear. “Just wait until you feel my pleasure pump inside you! You’re going to love it!”

He dropped her leg and started fumbling between her thighs.

“No! No!” Iyanna wiggled and twisted and kicked but it didn’t do any good. He had his member out now and she could feel something wet and slimy sliding against her inner thighs as she tried uselessly to get away. She was absolutely shredding her wrists by now but it didn’t matter—she couldn’t and wouldn’t hold still and let this bastard rape her. She—

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