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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

Page 98

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Bending her head, Iyanna began swirling her tongue around the broad, plum shaped head once more as she continued to stroke his Bonding Knot lightly with her fingertips. But this time, she found something different. There was a groove on the underside of the head of the big Drake’s cock—a groove she could have sworn hadn’t been there just a moment ago. It went from the base of the broad head all the way to the vertical slit at the tip.

Experimentally, Iyanna began to explore this new feature. Soon the groove seemed to widen and the sensitive tip of her tongue found something long and smooth with a sharp tip at one end. Iyanna knew it was sharp because she actually pricked her tongue on it (no pun intended.)

With a gasp, she jerked her head back. The sharp little pain was already gone—erased by an incredible sensation of pleasure rushing through her mouth.

“What the hell?” she tried to say, but what came out was, “Whaaaaa?” because she was feeling too many intense sensations to talk properly.

It was a really weird place to feel pleasure, Iyanna thought, frowning. Sexual pleasure, anyway. You didn’t expect to have an orgasm through your tongue, which was what seemed to be happening to her.

Oh my God, my tongue is coming—what the hell? she thought distractedly.

“Told you to be careful, little girl,” Dra’vik growled. “When you start playing with my Bonding Knot, it makes my Breeding Barb come out. Did you poke yourself with it?”

“Uh-huh.” Iyanna mumbled, nodding. She was still coming down from the weird tongue-gasm and her mouth still felt kind of numb. “What…why…?” she finally managed to ask. “What does the…the Breeding Barb do?”

The look on his face turned dark.

“It makes certain you get bred, little girl,” he growled. “Makes certain my seed gets planted directly in your womb.”

“But—” Iyanna started to ask.

At that moment, however, Minister Ostensio stood and announced,

“The breeding party is now over. Thank you, everyone who took part in the breeding and impregnation.

“And now, as the banquet is almost at an end, it is time to present the Master of the Viridi Femma with the plants he came for. He will be taking the last viable male specimen of the pleasure blooms—which means that this vile weed, which was once used by disobedient females for self-pleasure, will forever be stamped out on Lix’dor Prime!”

There was a loud round of applause at this statement and Iyanna saw that all the Lix’dorian males around the table were nodding in approval. As they clapped, the padded breeding table with the now, heavily pregnant pleasure slave was whisked away and a hover cart was put into its place. The contents of the cart was clearly a rectangular box—no doubt, the terrarium they’d seen the pleasure plants in earlier, before the banquet. But since it was draped with a dark blue and silver cloth, the contents couldn’t actually be seen.

“Sir Dra’vik, would you and your Viridi Femma please come up to the head of the table so that I may present these fine specimens to you?” Minister Ostensio said, nodding at them self-importantly.

Hastily, Dra’vik shoved his shaft back into his trousers—not an easy feat since it was so hard. In the end he managed to tuck it down along his right thigh and get his magno-tabs fastened again. Then he rose and took Iyanna’s hand, leading her to the place where Ostensio was standing, waiting for them.

Iyanna was still throbbing and needy between her thighs—the few tastes of the big Drake’s hot cinnamon precum had done little to cool her desire. But she tried to contain her impatience to be alone with Dra’vik and pay attention to the ceremony.

“Here you are—please take these plants far from Lix’dor Prime, where they are no longer welcome!” Ostensio exclaimed.

Then, with a dramatic flourish, he whipped the blue and silver cloth off the cart revealing…

Nothing. The terrarium was empty.


“What in the Seven Frozen Hells is this?” Dra’vik demanded, looking at the empty glass case where the Lix’dorian pleasure plants had been earlier. “Where are they?” he asked Ostensio.

But the little Minister looked as confused as Dra’vik felt.

“I…I do not know!” he exclaimed. He was examining the clear glass box from all angles, as though the plants might suddenly reappear if he looked for them hard enough.

“Well, you’d better fucking find them!” Dra’vik growled. “Iyanna and I have gone through a hell of a lot to get them! She’s put up with more misogyny than any female should have to deal with in a lifetime and she’s still being affected by that damn fondle-mush you served us!”

He looked down at Iyanna who was rubbing herself against him provocatively. Poor little female! That damn mush had really done a number on her. It was all Dra’vik could do to resist her pleas that he breed her, but he knew he couldn’t do that—she would never forgive him once she came out from the drug-induced lust haze the mush had put her into. Especially if she found herself permanently bonded to him and pregnant with his child.

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