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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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“Perhaps because I don’t wish to let you leave yet.” Sin’estor’s orange eyes glowed in the dimness. “You see, I have a personal problem—a problem only a Viridi Femma can solve. If your little female can help me with it, then we will give you the plants and let you be on your way.”

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Dra’vik growled. “What kind of problem are you talking about?”

“The Baronet has some sickly plants he wishes your pleasure slave to heal,” Ostensio said. He was looking somewhat uncomfortable about the change in circumstances, but it was clear he meant to stand by his rich benefactor, no matter what.

“What plants?” Dra’vik demanded. “Why didn’t you just bring them out when you had Iyanna do the damn demonstration at the banquet?”

“Ah, well you see, my dear Monstrum, the kinds of plants I need healed are not strictly legal.” Sin’estor gave him a wide orange grin. “They are dream tendrils—from their pods we can extract the orange dreaming liquid which brings unparalleled ecstasy to those who consume it. Unfortunately, all my tendril farms have recently been infected with the gray blight and I need healthy plants to replace them.”

“Okay—you still haven’t explained what the problem is, though. Why is this ‘dreaming liquid’ illegal?” Dra’vik asked, frowning.

“It’s silly, really.” Sin’estor shrugged his bony shoulders. “A small percentage of those who imbibe the dreaming liquid are unable to awaken from the dreams they fall into.”

“They, er, dream themselves to death,” Minister Ostensio said and cleared his throat. “But really, it hardly ever happens. Only, er, about twenty to thirty percent of the time.”

“Twenty percent of the people who take this damn dream juice die?” Dra’vik exclaimed. “That’s fucking bad!”

Sin’estor frowned.

“So says the Lix’dorian government. But I assure you, two-thirds of the people who imbibe the dreaming liquid are just fine. There are a few other side effects of long-term use, but other than that, it’s a perfectly harmless substance for most users. Why, I use it most every day myself!”

“Would those side effects be orange teeth and eyes, weight loss, patchy skin, and a general predisposition towards being a sleazy bastard?” Dra’vik growled, raising his eyebrows.

The Baronet’s frown deepened, the thin corners of his lips pulling down.

“That will be quite enough of that, thank you! I am a legitimate businessman with a slight legal problem, that’s all.”

“He’s a drug dealer.” Iyanna spoke up suddenly. She had stopped rubbing herself against Dra’vik’s side and seemed to be experiencing a moment of clarity. Or maybe the damn fondle-mush was finally wearing off. “He’s like one of those drug lords back on Earth—the kind that grow and manufacture and distribute cocaine and heroine,” she added.

Dra’vik didn’t know what those substances were, but he assumed they were illegal.

“Forget it,” he growled, shaking his head. “We’re not going to help you make anything that fucking kills people.”

“Oh, I think you will.” Baronet Sin’estor reached into the pocket of his voluminous robe and suddenly a weapon appeared in his hand—a snub-nosed blaster that would put a sizable hole in any target, Dra’vik thought grimly. Damn it, he knew he shouldn’t have brought Iyanna with him! Now he had to worry about keeping her safe as well as taking on an armed male.

“What’s that?” Iyanna was eyeing the weapon uncertainly.

“Trouble. Get behind me, little girl.”

With one arm, he swept her behind him and then he faced the two Lix’dorian males.

“You know this wasn’t part of the deal,” he said, speaking to Ostensio. “What would the Lix’dorian government think if they knew you were backing a known criminal?”

The Minister of Botany’s face turned from pale blue to puce.

“We…I never… Baronet Sin’estor isn’t—”

“Tell yourself whatever fucking lies you want, but don’t try them on me,” Dra’vik growled. “Just give us the plants and let us go.”

“That’s not going to happen until your little Viridi Femma heals my dream tendrils.” The Baronet’s voice was steely and his orange eyes were cold. He waved the blaster at Dra’vik. “Do you know, this particular blaster is especially powerful? I do believe it could blow a hole right through you and the little female hiding behind your back. Shall we find out?”

“No!” Iyanna’s voice rang out, surprising Dra’vik. Before he could stop her, the curvy little Elite had stepped out from behind him and was glaring at the Baronet. She had her hands on her hips and she was clearly upset. “Put that damn thing down,” she told him, holding her chin high. “You don’t need it—I’ll heal your plants for you. But then you have to let us go.”

“Very well.” Baronet Sin’estor nodded agreeably as he slowly lowered his weapon. “The dreaming tendrils are there, just behind me,” he added, pointing to the shadowy back of the stage.

“Iyanna, we can’t do this!” Dra’vik growled. “It’s like you said—he’s a fucking drug dealer!”

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