The Life - Rebirth (The Life 4) - Page 16

I stepped out onto the soft green Caribbean grass overlooking the sea to find most of the squad standing around watching Jason and Nia. I wondered how long it would take Mancini to get to this point of showcasing the kid’s skills. For the last couple of years since she’s been here, he'd focused mostly on her computer skills, never letting on that he knew what else she was capable of. But it was hard to miss once you know what you were looking for. Nia’s reflexes are way above normal for someone who’s never been in combat.

Now here in the last couple of days, Mancini had decided it was time to show us all what she’s capable of. I guess the fact that she and Jason are alike had something to do with it. This was my intro, the way I can bring Nem to their attention without seeming too obvious.

Then I’ll drop my fears on them, and knowing them, especially Mancini, he won’t want to lose someone as gifted as I’m sure my friend is. It would mean doxing him, finding him in real life, something we don’t take kindly to as members of ANONYMOUS, but this time it can’t be helped; a life might be at stake.


“What all can she do?” The sun is hot as a spiteful bitch!

“I plan to have her and Jason do some runs sometime in the next week or so, so you can all see. What she’s learned he was born with, that’s why I want the two of them working together. As for what she can do, at her level, she can hear you breathe from outside the door. She can also tell how many warm bodies are in a room by the way each one breathes.”

“And you’re letting her run around with Mengele? Shouldn’t these kids be in a classroom somewhere learning some shit?”

“Give it up, Lyon; your kid outgrew the classroom a long time ago; besides, who do you think will be running this ship when we hang it up?” I’m not touching that shit with a ten-foot pole. It’s been a little more than two years, and I still don’t know what dafuq I’m doing here. I keep sleeping with one eye open because I’m not too sure Mancini isn’t going to pull a Jim Jones with these demented kids, my daughter included.

At least we’ve been doing good work here, as long as it’s been taking. This is why I don’t work well with others. For two fucking years, I’ve been twiddling my thumbs, waiting for action; now this fuck has me poring over spreadsheets and shit before we make a move on the big fish. Whatever happened to blowing everyone to shit and being done with it?

Look, I understand the need to find all the missing kids and women that have been taken. He and Thorpe are big on that shit. As for me, I say shoot the bastards, grab the kids, problem solved. Isn’t that what all that computer crap is for? We pretty much know where the kids are because some of these assholes keep records and shit.

Because, yeah, if you’re scummy enough to steal little girls and boys to sell across the ocean, you’re not going to be too bright, and since I think they come up short on the human scale, they don’t serve any purpose and shouldn’t be allowed to breathe my air any longer than necessary.

Mancini, in his bid to turn me into the leader of this mess, has been taking his time to show me how it should be done in a civilized world. I left that shit behind a long time ago. Ever since the night I drew and quartered some asshole in the desert. But whatever! I turned my attention back to the two exhibitionists who were showcasing their skills just in time to see some Sci-fi shit.

“Is he catching arrows?”

“Yeah, he does that.”

“He hasn’t figured out how to catch a bullet yet, so y’all walk carefully. If anything happens to him, there will be hell to pay. My wife is already growing suspicious since I uprooted her whole life and brought her and the kids here. If something happens to her little brother, well….”

“Stop bitching Thorpe, sheesh.” This guy!

Jason came walking over with his bow and arrow with the little super ninja behind him, and the women came out of nowhere with their nosy asses. Kat was still looking ripe after giving birth to the last set of twins I’d dropped in her, Casey and Cade, who were toddling along beside her as she and her crew came to stick their noses in.

“Jason, you and Nia are the only level ten grandmasters that exist that I know of as of now.” Mancini beamed with pride, and I rolled my eyes.

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024