The Life - Rebirth (The Life 4) - Page 26

"If this kid couldn't find her, she might be dead."

"I don't think so. I think she went into hiding. My daughters tell me she met with someone who helps abused women disappear."

Mancini went into overdrive, leaving the room with his phone clamped to his ear. The biker looked like he was about to fall asleep after giving his input, but only a fool would buy that; he was on full alert; he’d seen action too, not sure where though. The military types were deceptively relaxed, and Andros was just Andros, no fucks to give.

Mancini came back into the room. “We’ve got to move. Draco, go home, stall him do whatever you have to, buy us some time.”

“What’re you gonna do?”

‘’Find the girl; she’s the only thing we have right now.”

“We’ve been looking for two years and haven’t been able to find her. She just disappeared.”

“We’ll find her. Come on, boys, let’s get back; we have a life to save.”


“Andros, how much do you trust this guy?”

“He’s in the top ten.”

“Good enough. Thanks for this. If this thing works out, I’ll send you a bottle of that Scotch you like.” We man hugged, and I left to go back home. My gut tells me Mancini is on the up and up. The fact that they’d pieced together so much just from one conversation that took place so long ago between two kids told me that he doesn’t just collect geniuses; he’s one of them.

I don’t care what he’s up to, so long as he saves my son, he’ll be in my top ten too. I let myself relax on the jet and made myself believe that this could be a way out. I’ve been on edge all week thinking that Gabe was about to leave again, but it’s only when I went to board the plane, and the pilot told me about the flight out tomorrow, that I knew it was a definite.

I’ve been fighting with myself ever since, trying to find a way to stop him from going back there. I almost called Uncle Guy and told him to take out Ricci and be done with it, but what would that have done to me and my son’s relationship. I refuse to lose anything to Ricci, most of all Gabe, so when we landed, I went into full protection mode. I’ll be damned if my boy is going to give up his precious life behind a fuck like Ricci.

I headed for the guesthouse and knocked on the door to his room, where he hides out. His team was busy looking at something, probably still looking for the girl, which is something they still do at my behest. “Pop, what’re you doing here?” He opened the door to his inner sanctum and let me in.

“Where are you going tomorrow?” He didn’t answer until I turned to look back at him.

“You know! Who told you?”

“It doesn’t matter; I found out. Nothing to say? What were you planning to do there, Gabe?” He didn’t answer, just willed me to read his intent in his eyes. I did, and I didn’t like what I saw. I pulled my phone and hit one button while looking at him. The line was picked up on the second ring.

“Gabriel is grounded until further notice. Anyone who takes him up is going to end up in a bad situation. Understood?” I hung up the phone and turned back to him.


“No, you’re not dying with him.” I could see that my words rocked him a little, but that wasn’t good enough. I need to get through to him now, somehow or another, so if I must convince him that I’m disappointed, mad, or whatever, I’ll do what it takes.

“What’re you talking about?”

“Don’t lie to me, Gabe; I can see it in you.” Just like I knew he would once confronted with the truth, he couldn’t lie to me. He didn’t look away, didn’t even blink, but his next words hit me in the gut. It’s an angle I’ve been avoiding; the one thing I knew was pushing my son into the abyss.

“Maybe I should; I have some of him in me, remember?” I wanted to cry, no shame; I just wanted to grab my boy into my chest and weep for the anguish I heard in his voice.

“That’s totally disrespectful. I raised you. You’re mine; you have none of that fuck in you, so get that out of your head. I’m taking your passport, and you’re not to leave this room until I say so.” Shit, the kid lives in the guesthouse. No worries, I’ll just put the whole team on this place.

“How did you know?”

“How could I not know? You’re mine, aren’t you? I’m supposed to know how you think. It took me a minute and different eyes to look at it and see what I see, but I’ve always suspected. I just didn’t want to believe. I’ll take care of it from here; you’re done.”

Tags: Jordan Silver The Life Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024