Kiss Me (Hart of Stone Family 3) - Page 18

“Nope, it was time it happened. I think Deke just needs to focus on himself right now. Giving him space is probably for the best. And, babe, you don’t ever have to apologize for my family.” Asa’s presence is behind me as I stretch to grab one of my Pothos plant. This one can stay here, only needing to be cared for every seven days or so, but I am going to put it in more direct sunlight and let it soak up some water. Asa’s arm wraps around my middle, pulling me down from the tips of my toes, and grabs my plant with the other hand, making it look effortless, and making my body tingle, too.

“I still don’t like you guys being on the outs.” I look over my shoulder. Asa grunts.

“Don’t make that noise. I see what you’re doing there, mister. That one can go in the sink,” I tease him, my body sinking further back, feeling so much after today.

“Are you bossing me around?” Asa licks his lips. The planted pot he was holding is now on a lower shelf in the built-in, and his mouth is on my neck. The tips of his fingers move my shirt out of the way, and he grazes my skin, leaving a tingling sensation.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.” A moan leaves me as he sucks on my skin. “Asa, if you leave a hickey on me, I’m going to murder you in your sleep. There’s no way I’m starting a new job with a bruise the size of Gibraltar on my neck.” I rip myself out of his arms. The last time he left his mark on me, it was on the inside of my thigh. Thankfully, no one could see it except me, but it barely went away before a Sunday barbecue. Of course, no one knew we were together, not even Leena, and if she had seen it, the game twenty-one questions would look like child’s play with her.

“Hmmm, I think that’s a threat. Maybe I’ll give you a hickey somewhere else. You liked that last time. My fingers in your cunt, my mouth sucking on that sensitive skin between your legs. Montana Rose, you got off on it. There’s no denying it.”

“Asa.” That memory is one of my favorites we’ve made together, well, besides all the semi-public sex.

“You almost done here so we can recreate that memory? That way, when I leave you at the office tomorrow, every time you walk, you’ll feel me between your legs.” I move out of his hands and grab the plants that need to be watered, not saying anything. I’m sure Asa gets it, seeing as he’s chuckling. I have a few other plants scattered throughout the house, but they’re succulents and don’t really need any work. And if Asa is serious about me moving in, which I already know he is with how he made the statement earlier, I’ll just slowly start moving my things in.

“Hey, how are we going to get Big Daddy and Mister Diddle my Fiddle in your truck?” The Fiddle Leaf Fig tree’s name, that would be courtesy of Leena.

“The fuck, babe?” I guess I’ve never told him the names of my plants. It’s my quirk. What can I say.

“I know your mom has a few plants around her house. Surely, she’s told you that plants love to be talked to. Well, I just happened to name mine, well, minus the Fiddle; that was all your sister.” I giggle while running the water in the sink, using the stopper and setting the plant in it to soak from the bottom.

“Montana, that’s fucking disgusting. You really had to tell me about my sister? We don’t talk about stuff like that, not ever again, okay?” The look of horror on his face is absolutely worth it.

“About that. It’s my duty as your girlfriend and privilege of being your sister’s best friend to pester you.” Asa is looking at the base of my plants, head in the sand, so to speak, but it’s really dirt.

“Nope, don’t even go there. She’s my baby sister. I do not want to know anything about that area of her life,” he grouses.

“Well, at least you acknowledge she has a life, so there is something. That’s not what I’m on about.” Once my plants quit drinking water, I switch them to the other side of the sink. Who knew a divided sink could come handy these days? “Anyways, you’ve got to give her some room to breathe. Be protective but also remember she’s alone. No one wants to live their life alone. I’m not saying don’t run a background check on them because that’s entirely genius, but maybe try not to scare them away whenever Leena mentions bringing someone around.”

“Yeah, nope, that’s not happening. It’s not even me you have to contend with. You’ve got three other brothers and a father who is hell bent on making sure once she does settle, it’ll be with a man who doesn’t cause her any heartbreak.” Well, at least I tried. I’m totally re-thinking giving him any girls. Like I can control that anyways.

Tags: Tory Baker Hart of Stone Family Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024