Texas! Lucky - Page 97

"Tanya was laughing," Marcie whispered. Pain medication had made her speech slow and slurred. Chase clung to every careful word she was able to speak. "We were talking about the house. She … she was so excited about … about it."

"I'm going to buy that house." Chase glanced up at Lucky, his eyes wild and unfocused. "Buy that house for me. She wanted the house, so she's going to get it."


"Buy the damn house!" he roared. "Will you just do that much for me, please, without giving me an argument?"

"Okay." Now wasn't the time to cross him, although his brother's request made no sense at all. But was a man who had just lost his family required to be sensible? Hell no.

"Right before we went … through the intersection, she asked me what color I thought…" Marcie paused, grimacing with discomfort. "…what color she should paint the bedroom for the baby."

Chase's head dropped forward into his hands. "Jesus." Tears leaked through his fingers and ran down the backs of his hands.

"Chase," she whispered, "do you blame me?"

Keeping his hands over his eyes, he shook his head. "No, Marcie, no. I blame God. He killed her. He killed my baby. Why? Why? I loved her so much. I loved…" His voice broke into sobs.

Lucky moved toward him and again laid a comforting hand on his shaking shoulders. Tears marred his own vision. For a long while they were quiet. He realized a few minutes later that Marcie had mercifully lapsed into unconsciousness again.

"Chase, we'd better go now."

At first Chase seemed not to have heard, but he gradually dragged his hands down his wet, ravaged face and stood up. "Order some flowers for Marcie," he told Lucky as they left the room.

"Sure. What do you want me to put on the card? Do you want them to be exclusively from you or from all of—" He came to a dead standstill when he spotted Devon standing at the end of the hospital corridor.

Chase followed his brother's dumbfounded stare. Devon came forward to meet them. Her eyes moved from Lucky to Chase. "Sage called me early this morning," she told him, surprising Lucky. He hadn't known his sister had phoned Devon. "I got here as soon as I could. I can't believe it, Chase." Extending her hand, she took Chase's, pressing it firmly.

"Tanya liked you. She admired you."

Devon's smile was sweet and tearful. "I liked her, too. Very much."

"So did I." Chase didn't apologize for the gruffness of his voice or the tears he continued to shed openly. Indeed, he seemed unaware of them. He addressed the two of them. "I'm going to the apartment now."

"Mother is expecting you back at the house."

"I need to be by myself for a while, among Tanya's things. Tell Mother I'll come out later."

Lucky wasn't so sure that Chase should be alone, but figured he would have to wrestle him to change his mind. He watched him approach the elevator. Moving like an automaton, he punched the button. The doors opened instantly; he stepped into the cubicle. The doors slid closed.

"He looks completely shattered, Lucky. Will he be all right?"

Lucky glanced at Devon, who had been standing quietly at his side. "I doubt it. But there's not a damn thing I can do about it."

"Nothing you're not already doing. I'm sure it's a comfort to him just knowing that he's got your support."

"Maybe. I hope so. He needs to find comfort where he can."

Hungry for the sight of her, he unapologetically stared. Her hair looked a darker, deeper shade of auburn against her black dress and pale face. In the cold glare of fluorescent lighting, her eyes appeared exceptionally green. They were bright with tears.

"It was good of you to come, Devon," he said thickly.

"I wanted to."

"How did you know where to find us?"

"I went to the house first. Sage said that I had just missed you, and that you and Chase were on your way here."

He nodded toward the bank of elevators. "Since Chase took the car, can I bum a ride home?"

Tags: Sandra Brown Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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